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CoolSculpting VS Kybella on Stomach: Which is Better for Eliminating Belly Fat?

All of us have fat, whether we are somebody who badly needs to lose some pounds or somebody who diets and exercises religiously. At the very least, we have those stubborn pockets of fat that seem to cling to certain areas of our body, particularly the stomach, no matter how much healthy eating and physical activity we’re doing. Fortunately, we have numerous treatment options, such as CoolSculpting and Kybella, when it comes to banishing those stubborn fat deposits.

So in comparing CoolSculpting VS Kybella on stomach fat, which is actually the better treatment for your body? CoolSculpting, also referred to as Cryolipolysis, works by freezing and killing fat cells while Kybella dissolves fat using injection made to eliminate submental fullness. To know which treatment is better for you, you need to consider several factors such as the area you want to be treated, the cost of treatment, and whether you’re a suitable candidate for each.

Freeze Away Your Stubborn Fat Like Never Before

Up to 25% Fat Reduction With CoolSculpting: Treat Yourself Today!

Why Excess Stomach Fat is Considered More Dangerous

In order to understand why CoolSculpting and Kybella have become more in-demand during recent years, you should know why it’s dangerous to have excess fat in the stomach. Doctors agree that excess abdominal fat is some of the unhealthiest fat there is because of the risks associated with it. Women with waistlines over 35 and men with waistlines over 40 are at higher risks for developing serious conditions such as diabetes, stroke, and heart disease.

There’s increasing evidence that subcutaneous fat, which is the pinchable fat surrounding your abdomen, presents as much danger as the deeper visceral fat cells. Cosmetic procedures such as CoolSculpting and Kybella can help get rid of these fat cells and lessen your risk of developing serious health conditions.

Benefits of Non-surgical Fat Reduction Treatments

Close-up of woman in underwear with plump shapes

CoolSculpting and Kybella are non-surgical fat reduction treatments which you should consider if you don’t want to undergo surgery. These treatments are effective for those who are near their ideal body weight and will benefit from their ability to isolate fat pockets that seem resistant to diet and exercise.

Non-surgical fat reduction treatments require little to no downtime and there’s no general anesthesia, incisions, or risk of scars. You don't need to go through surgical procedures such as tummy tuck and liposuction to get the results that you want. Side effects are only minimal and results can hold up as long as patients maintain their weight. Also, the effects of these treatments are gradual, which suits patients who want to be discreet about getting cosmetic help.

One should keep in mind though that a non-surgical body contouring and cosmetic procedure can only reduce fat and is not designed as a weight loss solution. Doctors can only estimate a percentage of fat loss and they cannot choose exactly how much fat will be eliminated. Also, you may need multiple treatments in order to get the results that you really want.

The best way to know whether a non-surgical treatment is better for you is to let a doctor assess your goals and your problem areas. Look for a medical professional who is trained in both surgical and non-surgical techniques to get the best evaluation regarding the right treatment for your fat reduction needs.

How Does CoolSculpting and Kybella Work?

CoolSculpting and Kybella differ greatly in terms of their fat removal methods and their application. A CoolSculpting procedure uses a Coolmini applicator and cold temperature to freeze the fat cells in the treatment area and eliminate them through suction and cooling plates. The freezing temperature will numb the area and the treated fat cells will continue to drop in temperature to the point of irreversible damage. Your doctor will massage the area to make the dispersal of unwanted fat cells more effective.

A Kybella treatment is done via injections, using very small needles or a cannula. Your doctor may apply a numbing cream on the treatment area before injecting or a numbing medication can be mixed into the Kybella formula itself. Once injected, the formula will disrupt the surrounding fat cells, which will be absorbed by the body.

Areas Treated By CoolSculpting and Kybella

CoolSculpting is approved by the FDA to treat the abdomen, flanks, chin, upper arms, back, bra fat, banana rolls, and thighs. Kybella, which uses deoxycholic acid (which is naturally found in your own bile), is primarily designed and approved for treating submental fat or submental fullness, or the double chin. However, the injection can be used off-label for other areas, such as the arms, bra rolls, love handles, and knees.

Who is a Good Candidate for CoolSculpting and Kybella?

studio shot of a group of beautiful young women posing together in their underwear

Both CoolSculpting and Kybella are effective when it comes to fat removal, so deciding which is better for you mainly depends on the amount of fat you want to remove from your problem area. CoolSculpting is recommended for people who are already in good or decent shape but have stubborn fat cells in certain areas, such as the chin, arms, knees, abdomen, and love handles. Those who are 25 pounds more than their ideal weight may need to consider other options, or at least lose some of the weight first before undergoing treatment. You need to have enough fat, not too much or too little, to fill the CoolSculpting applicator.

For those with smaller areas of body fat that are not enough for the CoolSculpting suction, Kybella is the treatment to try. The Kybella injection is normally designed for addressing double chins, but it can be used off-label, at your plastic surgeon or doctor's discretion, for other areas.

What Is the Downtime Like For CoolSculpting and Kybella?

Both CoolSculpting and Kybella are non-invasive treatments, so there’s little to no downtime involved here. There are minor side effects or after effects though, which should go away shortly after treatment. After a CoolSculpting session, you may feel numbness and tenderness in the treated area, but you can resume your daily activities right away after your session, with the exception of brutal exercise and too much sun exposure. 

You can see results in as early as four to five weeks post-treatment, with the full effect visible in eight to twelve weeks. Your doctor may recommend multiple sessions to get the results that you want.

As for Kybella, you may experience bruising, swelling, tenderness, redness, and numbness, which are all temporary. Full results can be seen after two to four weeks. Most patients will need around two to three treatments to get your desired results.

Get the Best CoolSculpting Treatment at NJ Center for CoolSculpting

NJ Center for CoolSculpting is committed to providing clients with the safest, most effective customized aesthetic procedures by utilizing the latest advances in non-invasive cosmetic treatments and technologies. As a patient, you get to enjoy your CoolSculpting sessions in a luxurious and peaceful environment, courtesy of board-certified doctors, certified aestheticians, and licensed physician assistants. 

The center's body contouring treatment can help address the common problem areas such as excess fat pocket in the upper arm, inner thighs, and outer thighs, chin fat, and many more. This can be done without plastic surgery. Call now and schedule your CoolSculpting appointment.

Freeze Away Your Stubborn Fat Like Never Before

Up to 25% Fat Reduction With CoolSculpting: Treat Yourself Today!


Most likely, you know somebody or two complaining about their muffin tops, also known as love handles. The stubborn fat in the midsection can be really hard to eliminate, but fortunately, treatments such as CoolSculpting can help banish the belly fat and dramatically improve the appearance of your midsection without having to undergo plastic surgery procedures such as tummy tuck or liposuction.

So how does CoolSculpting for stomach or muffin top work in getting rid of the bulges? CoolSculpting makes use of the process called Cryolipolysis, which freezes targeted fat cells so they can break down and get flushed out naturally out of your body. A CoolSculpting procedure works not just for the stomach, but in other parts of the body as well, such as the neck, arms, thighs, and buttocks.

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Up to 25% Fat Reduction With CoolSculpting: Treat Yourself Today!

What Is a Muffin Top and What Causes It

The term “muffin top” is used to refer to the body fat accumulation around the midsection, just above your hips. This becomes more pronounced when you wear tight-fitting pants, which makes the extra fat spill out from the sides and over the waistband, thus resembling the pastry it’s named after. 

There are two types of belly fat that may cause a muffin top. There’s the subcutaneous fat, which is the soft fat that you can pinch just below the skin. There’s also the visceral fat, which is embedded deeper into your body and circles your abdominal organs.

This unsightly bulge in the midsection is the product of several factors. Diet is a major one, in which the consumption of excessive calories regularly can contribute to fat being stored around your midsection. This is why it’s important to mind your calories and burn more of them than you’re eating. 

Another major factor is genetics, which is something you can’t control. Hereditary factors can determine where and how your body stores fat. Healthy eating and exercise can counter the effect of genetics in your fat storage.

Stress and sleep quality can also contribute to belly fat. When you’re worried or anxious, your body releases more cortisol, also known as the stress hormones. As response to the stress, cortisol tells your body to hold on to the fat, specifically in the midsection. And as you know, stress can make you go on emotional or binge eating, which definitely leads to weight gain. As for sleep, lack of it can affect your cravings, mood, and appetite, as well as your motivation to exercise.

Lastly, lack of exercise will definitely lead to excess fat, especially in the midsection. Exercise can help burn off those extra calories, which tend to pile up when you live a sedentary lifestyle.

Are You a Candidate for CoolSculpting for Muffin Top?

Woman hand holding her own belly fat

First, it should be emphasized that CoolSculpting is a body contouring and fat loss treatment and not a weight loss program. The treatment is designed for people who are already close to their ideal weight. The CoolSculpting applicator removes the excess fat deposits that cling stubbornly in certain areas of the body to reveal a slimmer, toned body shape. Doctors typically recommend the procedure for people who are just 10-30 pounds shy of their target weight, those who exercise regularly and can maintain a reasonably healthy diet.

If you’re above the recommended range of body weight, you will be advised to lose the extra pounds first before going through CoolSculpting. When you’re down to the last few pounds that diet and exercise can’t seem to eliminate, then it’s time to make that appointment with your doctor for a CoolSculpting treatment and get rid of that unwanted fat.

What Happens During Consultation for CoolSculpting for Muffin Top?

There are factors that will make your doctor recommend CoolSculpting as an effective treatment for your muffin top or love handles. During consultation, your doctor will assess whether you’re a good candidate for the procedure. He will discuss your fat loss goals and conduct a pain-free physical exam to see if those goals can be reached with the treatment.

A good doctor or plastic surgeon will recommend the treatment only if it can indeed help you. CoolSculpting will only reduce the subcutaneous fat in your body; it can’t do anything about the visceral fat. So the focus will be the pinchable fat on your sides, which is the muffin top or love handles, since this is the excess fat that can be dealt with by CoolSculpting.

If you have too much pinchable fat, your doctor will recommend you to continue losing more weight first before you come back for treatment. Technically, you can go ahead with CoolSculpting even if you have too much fat, but the results may not be as noticeable, not like if you’re already close to your ideal weight. 

You also need to have a minimum of fat for the CoolAdvantage applicator to hold onto during the CoolSculpting session. The applicator will use a freezing method in dealing with the treated fat cells for fat removal. The CoolSculpting technology will produce dead fat cells without harming the surrounding tissue in the treatment area.

Costs of CoolSculpting For Muffin Top

Patient being attended by a nurse in a medical consultation

The cost of a CoolSculpting treatment will depend on how much excess fat should be addressed on the treatment area, how many applicators are required, and which applicators are needed for the procedure. The more fat the patient needs to eliminate, the more sessions she has to book. Some patients will definitely require more than one session to get the results that they want. 

A reliable CoolSculpting facility will try to make the treatment more accessible for patients and offer special pricing and discounts for maximum CoolSculpting results. This can be discussed during your CoolSculpting consultation, so don’t hesitate to ask your doctor about this.

Get an Assessment at NJ Center for CoolSculpting

Do you want a slimmer, toned body sans the fat bulge without the surgical procedure? Trust only the best body sculpting facility for your CoolSculpting needs. At NJ Center for CoolSculpting, you get only board-certified doctors, certified aestheticians, and licensed physician assistants working on your fat reduction treatments, using the latest and safest customized aesthetic procedures in non-invasive cosmetic treatments and technologies. 

The facility is a haven of experts who can deal with common body issues, such as bra fat, double chin, excess fat in the lower abdomen, upper arm, inner thigh, and outer thigh, and stubborn belly fat. Call now and schedule an appointment with a specialist for your CoolSculpting treatment.

Freeze Away Your Stubborn Fat Like Never Before

Up to 25% Fat Reduction With CoolSculpting: Treat Yourself Today!


Stubborn pockets of fat usually evade our best-laid exercise and nutrition plans, and they tend to cling to our bodies despite our healthy habits. Belly fat is possibly the most stubborn of bulges. It notoriously resists even with continuous workouts and a healthy lifestyle. This led to people seeking non-invasive procedures such as CoolSculpting, also known as cryogenic lipolysis, to get rid of the stubborn belly fat.

So how can a CoolSculpting procedure reduce tummy fat? CoolSculpting technology safely delivers controlled cooling to gently freeze stubborn fat cells underneath the skin in a process called cryolipolysis. It works by freezing fat cells at a certain temperature and allowing the body to naturally eliminate them. The treatment eliminates around 20% to 25% of fat around the treatment area in just one session. It’s a non-invasive and non-surgical procedure involving fat freeze, which means that it doesn’t involve any sedation, anesthesia, incisions, or discomfort in the treated area or surrounding tissue.

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Up to 25% Fat Reduction With CoolSculpting: Treat Yourself Today!

Can CoolSculpting Freeze Stomach Fat?

Yes. CoolSculpting was originally designed to be used to reduce excess fat, which is why one of the most common areas for treatment is the lower abdomen. While CoolSculpting is primarily used on the stomach for fat loss, it can also be used on various other areas of the body. Some of the common areas to use CoolSculpting as a fat reduction procedure are double chin, arms, inner thigh and outer thighs, abdominal fat, and buttocks.

Cool sculpting treatment uses completely noninvasive cryolipolysis treatment to effectively freeze and destroy fat cells without the need for needles, incisions, or anesthesia. During a CoolSculpting session, which may take about an hour depending on the area being treated, the fat freezing machine pulls the fat deposit toward the treated area surface using gentle suction and cools down the fat cells to an exact, accurate temperature. The treated fat cells ultimately die and are expelled from the body through natural functions.

Why Is Belly Fat Hard to Lose?

chubby woman hand holding excessive belly fat with measure tape

Belly fat is one of the most popular reasons for undergoing a CoolSculpting treatment. According to most patients, stubborn belly fat is the hardest body fat to lose with natural activities such as exercise and diet. Therefore, to recognize the best way to lose belly fat, first understand what causes the weight to cling to our abdomen.

Not all fat is the same. Subcutaneous fat is the fat below the skin's surface. There’s also visceral fat which is the fat that deposits within the abdominal cavity and wraps around the organs. Furthermore, not all of the fat cells have the same characteristics. Fat cells that have more Alpha-2 receptors are programmed to store fat in the long term. This is stubborn fat. Fat cells that have more Beta-2 receptors are programmed and set to break down when the body needs energy.

For a lot of people, belly bulges essentially consist of fat cells that have more Alpha-2 receptors. Therefore, the body clings to this fat. It resists diet and exercise. In a situation like this, the best way to lose belly fat may be fat reduction treatments, like liposuction or CoolSculpting.

How Much Fat Can You Lose on Your Stomach With CoolSculpting?

On average, it’s possible to remove 20% to 25% of localized fat cells through a single CoolSculpting session.

When you cool a targeted area of your body, it's possible to trigger cell death in subcutaneous fat, which your body then processes and eliminates as waste. The fat cells that are removed don’t return, but the treatment doesn’t prevent your body from storing new fat cells in the same area. 

Each session will eliminate between 20% and 25% of fat cells in a given area. While the amount of subcutaneous fat in an area affects how much fat can be eliminated, the most significant factor determining how much fat can be eliminated is the size of the area. 

Therefore, if you eliminate 25% of the fat cells in a given area after one session, you can expect a subsequent session to remove approximately 25% of the remaining fat cells.

When talking about the physical results, some inches around the stomach area can be noticeably reduced after a CoolSculpting treatment. A lot of factors affect how many inches you can expect to get rid of with treatment. If you’re trying to eliminate unwanted fat from a small area, you may lose half of an inch at most. If you’re eliminating unwanted fat from a large area, like your chest or stomach, you may lose two or three inches of the fat bulge.

It takes some time for one’s body to start the process of expulsion, and the initial results aren’t visible for around three weeks. Once the process begins, patients can see weight reduction for up to two months or more. The CoolSculpting results are a subtle transformation that improves appearance gradually and without the appearance of radical action.

Freeze Away Your Stubborn Fat Like Never Before

Up to 25% Fat Reduction With CoolSculpting: Treat Yourself Today!

Freezing Away Fat Permanently

The fat removal results of CoolSculpting are permanent. The way that fat cells work and behave is unique when compared to other cells in the body, such as skin cells, which can replicate. Fat cells aren’t capable of splitting up or being renewed, so when a fat cell is destroyed, it's gone permanently.

This is why the results of CoolSculpting are permanent. After the treatment damages the membrane of the frozen fat cells and destroys the cell beyond repair, the dead fat cells are eventually broken down and metabolized by the body, and then removed after it’s been used for fuel. This means that it will be more difficult for you to retrieve or regain fat since there will be fewer fat cells left for storage.

Your contours will stay improved for as long as you can maintain and keep your weight within about 10 pounds. There are times where medical conditions can cause one’s body to store fat in the abdomen. Where you store excess energy in your body usually comes down to genetics. If you had the fat cells in your thighs demolished or destroyed, you’re likely to store excess energy in the fat cells that stay in your thighs if you gain weight after the treatment.

Ideal Candidates for Stomach CoolSculpting

Group Of Body Positive Females With Different Figure Types Posing In Sportswear

Many people are potential candidates for this treatment, but the ideal candidates are the ones who have up to 20% to 30% of fat that can be reduced and those who have committed to healthy lifestyle practices. It’s ideal for the patient to have no more than 10 pounds from his or her goal weight. Candidates include all men and women who aren’t currently pregnant or planning to be, as pregnancy will undo the results of your treatment. Additionally, this treatment is approved for most healthy adults. If you’re suffering from an autoimmune disorder that can cause excessive weakness, discomfort, or pain, you won’t be considered a good candidate for this procedure. 

It’s also best to keep in mind a realistic goal before undergoing a CoolSculpting treatment. As it’s a body sculpting treatment, one shouldn’t consider it if they’re trying to lose weight. Rather, you should only consider it if you’re satisfied with your weight but want to improve the look of certain contours.

Read more: How Many CoolSculpting Vacuums for Stomach Are Needed?

Is CoolSculpting an Alternative to Losing Overall Weight?

CoolSculpting is not a substitute for a weight loss program. If you’re overweight or obese, your surgeon will advise you to lose the weight before you try the CoolSculpting treatment.

CoolSculpting is more about spot treating than doing a full-body slim down. This treatment has been approved for the particular purpose of reducing body fat, and any reduction in body weight is mainly icing on the cake. Patients shouldn’t go for this treatment for the express purpose of losing weight, especially if they’re not yet committed to living a healthy lifestyle that will help them prevent future fat gain.

After a CoolSculpting, the physical structure of your gastrointestinal system isn’t being changed to prevent you from gaining weight in the future. Rather, excess white fat cells in targeted areas/regions are being frozen to death and eliminated from the body.

If you’re already at your goal weight, it’s absolutely crucial that you maintain your weight after treatment. Any weight gain should be from building muscle mass, so it’s possible to eat more but not gain fat. If you go beyond your daily caloric needs after the treatment, the fat cells that remain in your body will expand and negate the effects of the treatment.

Slow and steady weight loss is from a healthy diet and exercise practices. Once these healthy habits become a fun part of your daily routine, maintaining your ideal weight and level of body fat will come naturally and be effortless.

Freeze Stomach Fat With NJ Center for CoolSculpting

It’s important to look for a medical provider who has adequate experience with CoolSculpting. Currently, there are dermatologists, aestheticians, and surgeons who can perform the fat freezing treatment, but not all of them are certified for CoolSculpting. A certified professional who has the right machines must do the job.

Freeze stomach fat and fat bulge safely and effectively with trusted clinics. Schedule your initial CoolSculpting evaluation at NJ Center for CoolSculpting to discuss your aesthetic goals and health and determine if this body contouring treatment is appropriate for you. 

Read more: Discovering the Less Painful Body Sculpting Stomach Techniques

Freeze Away Your Stubborn Fat Like Never Before

Up to 25% Fat Reduction With CoolSculpting: Treat Yourself Today!


Fat deposits are an essential element of your overall health and beauty concept. A uniform body fat distribution can smooth out your lines. When your body stores excess fat in some unsightly target areas, the result can be a bother to most people. Here’s where the CoolSculpting procedure comes to the rescue. It’s a non-invasive procedure, allowing you to enjoy results similar to those of a fat removal surgical procedure such as tummy tuck or liposuction but with none of the discomfort or downtime.

So is stomach fat permanently lost after CoolSculpting? Yes, CoolSculpting stomach treatment is clinically proven to produce permanent results. Once the fat cells that were treated are frozen through the process of cryolipolysis, they die. Our body's natural reaction to this is to remove these dead fat cells through its natural elimination process. Once the number of fat cells is reduced, no fat cells will take their place, resulting in a long-term reduction of stubborn fat, especially in the lower abdomen.

Freeze Away Your Stubborn Fat Like Never Before

Up to 25% Fat Reduction With CoolSculpting: Treat Yourself Today!

How CoolSculpting Freezes Away Fat

CoolSculpting uses cryo technology to non-invasively target and freeze fat cells. While fat cells will die at 4 degrees Celsius, around 39 degrees Fahrenheit, CoolSculpting cools to as low as -11 degrees Celsius in order to penetrate the several layers of fat cells beneath the surface of the skin.

Cryolipolysis is a scientific procedure behind CoolSculpting, which is one of the most popular non-invasive fat reduction treatments. Essentially, Cryolipolysis is the reduction of fat cells via fat freezing. Cryolipolysis is shown to decrease resistant fat deposits that can’t be dealt with through exercise and diet. The results of the CoolSculpting procedure are natural-looking and long-term, which provides a solution for subcutaneous and visceral fat problem areas, like belly fat.

Learn more: Freezing Your Stomach Fat With CoolSculpting

Is Fat Permanently Lost After CoolSculpting?

Studio shot of a fit young woman standing with her hands on her hips against a dark background

With CoolSculpting does stomach lose fat last? Yes, fat cells killed by CoolSculpting are permanently removed as the adult body is unable to create new fat cells. Removed fat cells won’t be able to regrow, and the body won’t replace them with new fat cells. When we reach our early 20s, the number of fat cells within our body becomes fixed. The appearance of weight gain in adults isn’t caused by the existence of new fat cells, but rather the expansion of existing cells.

A CoolSculpting applicator is used to isolate an area of fat and expose it to precisely controlled temperatures that are cold enough for fat freezing the layer of subcutaneous fat but not cold enough to actually freeze the overlying tissue. These targeted fat cells then crystallize and that causes the cell membrane to split, eventually leading to fat cell death.

Destroying the actual fat cells means they can no longer store unwanted fat. It also signals the body's lymphatic system, telling it to collect the destroyed cells. This natural process takes place over several weeks and culminates once the dead fat cells leave the body as waste.

Read more: How Many CoolSculpting Vacuums for Stomach Are Needed?

Can Stomach Fat Grow Back?

Each of us is genetically predetermined to increase or decrease fat volume differently. Men tend to be like "apples" with fat growth around the organs of the tummy. On the other hand, women tend to become "pears" with fat growth in the hips and thighs, but there’s quite a variation among different people. These fat cells can shrink or grow when we lose or gain weight. We always have the same amount of fat cells regardless of our weight unless they’re permanently removed with a procedure such as CoolSculpting, plastic surgery, or liposuction. These particular fat cells wouldn’t grow back. However, if you gain weight after a procedure like CoolSculpting or liposuction, your other fat cells will grow in size.

The areas where you have a fat reduction procedure are some of the last to gain weight. Other areas in the body that naturally don't have many fat cells, such as around the knees, are also areas that will fill in last. Even though the fat cells that received CoolSculpting wouldn’t grow back, they can still have pinchable fat in the area. The fat cells in the surrounding region can grow in size and edge into the area where CoolSculpting was performed. One usually has to gain a considerable amount of weight for this to be possible.

How Much Fat Can CoolSculpting Remove?

On average, patients can expect about a 20% to 25% reduction in fat cells in the treated area after one CoolSculpting session. The 20% to 25% stomach fat loss can significantly slim and contour your waist and abdominal region. A lot of patients lose several inches from their waistline when their recommended treatment plan is completed.

Even though the fat cells in the targeted region are frozen to the point of death during the procedure, they’re not suctioned out. They’ll stay in your body for one to three months as your lymphatic system flushes them out as the waste that they are. Therefore, if you have just one treatment session, you should expect to lose less than a pound per month for around three months.

What Other Areas Can I Treat With CoolSculpting?

Outdoor shot of smiling young female model in bikini standing against blue sky

While a CoolSculpting treatment is one of the most popular procedures, this treatment is able to noticeably reduce unwanted fat in multiple areas.

1. Arms and Legs

Fat can linger on the arms and legs even after significant weight loss. This can then result in a sagging look, mostly in the thighs and the upper arms. CoolSculpting can target fat deposits on the arms and legs to restore a toned, slim appearance.

2. Hips and Buttocks

Aside from the abdomen, fat will likely accumulate on the hips and buttocks. This can lead to love handles or saddlebags, which are virtually impossible to get rid of with diet or exercise. With a CoolSculpting treatment plan, you can say goodbye to these stubborn areas of fat and hello to a sleeker, smoother silhouette.

3. Underarms, Chest, and Back

Small pockets of fat can cause rolls under the arms, around the breasts, and on the back. These areas can take a toll on your self-esteem and can be hard to target with exercise. A CoolSculpting treatment plan can work on these fat deposits together, smoothing the skin and reducing the fat volume to minimize the areas.

4. Chin and Neck

Fat can sit under the chin and create a double-chin effect or an undefined jawline. CoolSculpting can expertly treat these noticeable areas, giving you an attractive facial profile and reducing fat on the neck, under the chin, and around the jawline. 

Freeze Away Your Stubborn Fat Like Never Before

Up to 25% Fat Reduction With CoolSculpting: Treat Yourself Today!

How Long Can CoolSculpting Results Last?

As discussed above, fat cells are destroyed permanently through cryolipolysis. Technically, this means that the CoolSculpting results can be considered long-lasting. However, it’s important that patients understand that new fat cells can be generated after some time, while neighboring fat cells can become enlarged with pregnancy, weight gain, or aging. Due to this, patients must maintain a healthy, stable weight to preserve their CoolSculpting results for as long as possible.

How to Maintain CoolSculpting Results

Beautiful women working out in gym together

To maintain and preserve your CoolSculpting results for as long as possible, one of the most critical things you can do is to avoid subsequent weight gain. Gaining weight after the CoolSculpting treatment can cause fat cells to grow and prompt the generation of new fat cells. 

CoolSculpting doesn’t remove all fat cells from the treatment area. Fat cells that stay in the treatment area can expand with weight gain. The enlargement of fat cells that remain could reverse or negate the results of the treatment.

So to maintain the results of CoolSculpting in the long run, patients should maintain their post-treatment body weight. For example, if a patient weighed 150 pounds prior to their procedure and their weight dropped by 5 pounds after CoolSculpting, the results of the procedure will continue to be apparent if the patient maintains their weight at or below 145 pounds. Patients must prioritize maintaining their post-treatment weight by eating healthy, drinking lots of water, and exercising regularly. This prevents fat cells that remained in the treatment area from enlarging.

Regular exercise isn’t just very beneficial to your physical and mental health, but it can also burn fat, allowing you to enhance and accelerate your CoolSculpting results. All that you do related to exercise after your CoolSculpting treatment will help you in achieving the best results from your treatment. Another great way to maximize your CoolSculpting body contouring treatment is to maintain a healthy diet. Avoid foods that may be fried, processed, or high in starch and sugar content and focus on consuming more fruits, vegetables, protein, and whole grains. 

Lastly, to ensure the maximum results you can get with CoolSculpting, your doctor may recommend some additional sessions depending on the patient's goal. A lot of patients have such positive and amazing results with their first treatment that a second may not be necessary. However, take note that some areas may need additional treatment to get maximum results. Patients are usually so pleased with the results from their first treatment that they return to us for treatments in other areas.

Say Goodbye to Unwanted Stomach Fat With NJ Center for CoolSculpting

Say goodbye to your stubborn fat deposits and abdominal fat in other areas of your body in a matter of months.

To learn more about the transformation you could see with the body sculpting treatment CoolSculpting, schedule an initial consultation today at NJ Center for CoolSculpting.

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Up to 25% Fat Reduction With CoolSculpting: Treat Yourself Today!


CoolSculpting is the most common fat reduction procedure in the aesthetic industry at the present. The most beneficial component of a CoolSculpting procedure is that it’s customizable. It’s all about customizing it, and one of the most important parts of that is choosing the applicator that’s perfect for you. With all the various names and versions of CoolSculpting applicators, things can get pretty confusing.

So how many CoolSculpting vacuums are needed for the stomach? Various treatment areas vary in requirements. The shape and size of the applicator will vary per patient, and the best way to determine the best treatment plan for CoolSculpting on the abdomen is to consult a reputable CoolSculpting provider. When it comes to the number of treatments needed for the stomach, there’s no definite way to determine exactly how many treatments you’ll need to undergo. In general, if you’re within 20 to 30 pounds of your ideal weight, you shouldn't need more than 1 to 2 treatments.

Freeze Away Your Stubborn Fat Like Never Before

Up to 25% Fat Reduction With CoolSculpting: Treat Yourself Today!

The Different CoolSculpting Applicators

Each new CoolSculpting applicator offers innovative benefits for treating and eliminating unwanted fat cells. Successful CoolSculpting treatment requires an expert understanding of the underlying anatomy, a careful eye for aesthetic detail, and knowledge of how to harness the fat freezing power of CoolSculpting to achieve maximum results which can be compared to liposuction and tummy tuck.

Different CoolSculpting applicators allow treatment specialists the ability to treat new areas like the stomach, double chin, or upper arm fat. The CoolAdvantage applicator also helps freeze stubborn fat cells more effectively depending on the treatment area. They’re more economically efficient and safer, providing you with lower treatment prices and a more enjoyable experience.

Here are some of the most used CoolSculpting applicators in the market:

1. CoolMax 

The CoolMax is the biggest CoolSculpting applicator, and it freezes the most fat cells in the least amount of time. The CoolMax is a suction applicator that’s designed to target extensive pockets of pinchable fat. The large size of this device is more of a debulker, great for treating larger circumference areas on the abdomen and belly hangover.

2. CoolMini

The CoolMini is designed to treat small problem areas, as its name suggests. This applicator is on the smaller side, but it produces incredible performance. Submental fullness is a common issue/complaint for both women and men. Patients may use the CoolMini to approach this problem spot and reduce unpleasant fat cells that appear to cluster in the submental region. The CoolMini is useful for treating the under chin area, the front armpit area, and the small fat pads above the knees.

3. CoolFit Advantage

The CoolFit Advantage applicator is effective and functional and has amazing fat-reducing qualities. The CoolFit Advantage applicator works on bulging excess fat in the inner thighs more comfortably and effectively. It’s also used to target bulging excess fat in the inner thighs. The CoolFit has freezing panels that can particularly target locations that are difficult to reach.

4. CoolCore Advantage

The CoolCore applicator is one of the most commonly used applicators, used to sculpt the waist and sides of the body. This applicator is for contouring all over the abdomen for both men and women. It’s great for the bikini areas and low hips, as well as men's chests. This applicator helps in the reduction of persistent, stubborn belly fat. The CoolCore applicator, which uses cutting-edge fat freezing technology, can help in shaping abs and reaching optimum fat reduction.

5. CoolCurve Advantage

The CoolCurve Advantage CoolSculpting applicator is for contouring and shaping specific areas of the body more efficiently. Patients can prevent bruising and pain when they use this applicator. It can address common ailment areas such as the hips and limbs. When the CoolCurve Advantage CoolSculpting applicator is used on men, it could also reduce excess chest fat.

6. CoolPetite Advantage

The CoolPetite Advantage CoolSculpting applicator assists in addressing this issue and reducing fat deposit in upper bodies. The most recent applicator design will handle the upper arms, back and bra fat, knees and the back of the thighs, and other regions.

7. CoolSmooth

This applicator has a very broad cooling surface, making it a great choice for areas with fat pockets such as the outer thigh and upper abdomen. 

The unique design of the CoolSmooth applicator makes it an ideal complement to the CoolAdvantage applicators. This device can be used as a "finishing treatment" to reach uniform coverage over large surface areas. The CoolSmooth is mostly used on the abdomen during the 2nd or 3rd treatment sessions. It also enables positioning that would otherwise not be obtainable with the CoolAdvantage applicator alone. 

Does the Size of CoolSculpting Applicator Matter?

Staff holding coolsculpting applicator

The size of the CoolSculpting applicator is vital since different treatment areas may need multiple applicators. CoolSculpting procedures use rounded paddles in one of four sizes to suction the skin and fat bulge like a vacuum. It’s critical to have the right applicator for the right area of the body to get the maximum fat reduction.

For example, the CoolMini applicator works best on the chin area, helping to remove the unwanted fat associated with a double chin. Larger applicators such as the CoolMax work on bigger areas, like the abdomen and thighs.

Treatment Areas for Large CoolSculpting Applicator

The large CoolSculpting device is particularly effective at treating long areas of the lower body, such as the sides of your hips or flank area. The large applicators can also be used on the abdomen. More than one applicator can be used when you’re having a single area treated. For example, we may use one or two large applicators when we reduce fat from the upper stomach region, and two large applicators on the lower stomach region. But for some patients, only one large applicator may be necessary for the targeted area for optimal results.

Treatment Areas for Small CoolSculpting Applicator

The small CoolSculpting applicator is the more popular applicator since it can be used in various places on your upper and lower body. When belly fat gets reduced using CoolSculpting, patients usually receive a CoolSculpting treatment with two small applicators. To treat the whole abdomen, we’d use four small applicators: Two applicators on your upper stomach and two on your lower stomach.

With the small applicators, we’re also able to treat the back and bra area, with one applicator per side and the love handle area, which is also one applicator per side. Inner thighs are also a popular area to treat inner thigh fat with two small applicators: one applicator per leg. To correctly treat the upper arms, we’d usually use one applicator per arm. In some cases, we’d use two applicators per arm. We can also treat under the buttocks using one small applicator per leg.

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What Is the Process of CoolSculpting on the Stomach?

Different treatment areas vary in requirements for the CoolSculpting procedure like how many cool sculpting vacuums for stomach are needed. By using specific CoolSculpting applicators, it’s possible to specifically target the thickest pockets of fat on the abdomen of any person. The size and shape of the applicator vary depending on the person. Determining the best treatment plan for CoolSculpting on the abdomen is done by a reputable CoolSculpting provider with the most experience performing CoolSculpting procedures.

Each person's body is different, as well as the way the fat on your abdomen accumulates. Many men and women have lower belly fat. Some also have subcutaneous fat and visceral fat accumulations above the belly button, which they want to reduce as well. Areas higher up on the ribs or lower down in the pelvis are also regions that CoolSculpting can treat.

When all the areas that you want to reduce have been measured, the right size and shape of the applicator are determined, as well as how many applicators in total you’ll need for a single CoolSculpting session. 

During your treatment, the applicators reduce the temperature in the area causing the fat to freeze the treated area. The treated fat cells will then eventually be flushed away from your body naturally after the fat removal. Each treatment will last between 30 minutes and 75 minutes as based on the applicator that best fits your body. The duration for each treatment is programmed into the system and can’t be altered.

Learn more: Freezing Your Stomach Fat With CoolSculpting

How Many CoolSculpting Treatments Are Needed for the Stomach?

Beautiful happy woman in sunhat and bikini

The kind of results you get from your initial CoolSculpting treatment can also influence the number of treatments you’ll end up needing. Usually, a CoolSculpting treatment can lessen the amount of fat in the area by 20 to 25 percent.

If you have only a small amount of stubborn fat, one round of CoolSculpting can already be effective. If you want to slim a larger area, or you have slightly more fat on your body, you may need multiple treatments. Patients typically get their ideal results after 2 rounds of CoolSculpting procedures. After the second or third procedure, a patient can dramatically improve their physical appearance. 

There’s no certain way to determine exactly how many treatments you’ll need to undergo. Generally, if you’re within 20 to 30 pounds of your ideal weight, and have specific problem areas, you shouldn't need more than 1 to 2 treatments.

Patients are commonly able to fully transform their bodies after 3 treatments, but it’s essential to maintain realistic expectations. Wait the entire 4 months after your procedure before you seek out a second or third treatment. CoolSculpting is reliant on your own body's ability to rid the body of fat cells. Therefore it can take time to see the maximum results.

Learn more: Is Stomach Fat Permanently Lost After CoolSculpting?

Get Rid of Excessive Stomach Fat With NJ Center for CoolSculpting

Do you want to get rid of that excess fat that refuses to leave your stomach? At NJ Center for CoolSculpting, you can achieve firm and sleek thighs free of cellulite. Our staff consists of board-certified doctors, certified aestheticians, and CoolSculpting specialist who are collectively regarded as national leaders in body contouring and as CoolSculpting providers. 

Schedule your initial consultation for your CoolSculpting procedure today.

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Non-surgical procedures to get rid of fat are increasingly becoming popular and showing no signs of letting up. Between 2016 and 2017 alone, fat reduction techniques such as CoolSculpting have increased 7%, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. In the same period, procedures for temporary removal of cellulite rose 19%. This is why it’s not surprising that more and more people are signing up for CoolSculpting treatments and many will confirm its safety and effectiveness. It's a great alternative as fat reduction treatments for those who don't want to undergo surgical procedures such as the tummy tuck. But there are certain concerns such as reports that CoolSculpting can make your stomach look uneven.

So does CoolSculpting cause uneven stomach? One can have uneven results, not just in the stomach but in other parts as well, after a CoolSculpting treatment, but more often than not, it’s a temporary condition that is normal as you go through the inflammatory period after your period. The uneven appearance and other irregularities should disappear afterward, as your body adjusts to the effects of the treatment and goes back to normal.

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Why People Get CoolSculpting for the Stomach

Despite certain side effects that naturally occur after treatment, more patients are signing up for CoolSculpting treatments, either as first-timers or repeat customers. It’s because generally, CoolSculpting is a safe and effective non-invasive procedure for getting rid of those pockets of fat that stubbornly cling to your body despite diet and exercise efforts. CoolSculpting targets bunches of fat cell and freezes them in order to remove them from your body permanently. This is a process called Cryolipolysis, also referred to as fat freezing. It’s FDA-approved and requires absolutely no surgery.

For a lot of people, fat loss has always been a struggle. This applies not just to obese people, but also those who are near their ideal weight but still has those extra jiggly fat that can’t be eliminated no matter how hard they diet or exercise. This can be very frustrating, hence the need to look for belly fat removal procedures. There are popular procedures such as liposuction, but since it’s surgical, not all are keen to sign up for it. CoolSculpting and other non-invasive treatments are the perfect alternative then for people who want to lose the extra fat but would rather not go through the hassles of cosmetic surgery, such as incisions, anesthesia, and long recovery time.

Learn more: Freezing Your Stomach Fat With CoolSculpting

Why Your Abdomen Retains Fat

Young woman standing with tape measure in front of mirror

Having a beer belly is one of the most common cosmetic complaints. There are several factors why a person tends to have unwanted fat around the abdomen. Genetics is a major factor. If obesity runs in the family, it shouldn’t be a surprise if you’re prone to gaining weight and getting fat not just in the stomach but in other parts of your body as well. Lifestyle is also a contributor. If you’re mostly sedentary, indulges in vices, and have poor eating habits, having belly fat is almost a certainty.

But even those who work really hard to control weight gain and focus on their diet and fitness can still have unwanted fat in certain areas of their body. It’s not surprising to still have some level of belly fat even if you watch what you eat and go to the gym regularly.

Who is a Good Candidate for CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting will benefit people who are already close to their ideal weight who just need to lose the jiggly fats that cling stubbornly to certain areas of the body. You may have already achieved your target weight, but you still have body fat deposits remaining in your stomach, thighs, and arms. CoolSculpting is the ultimate solution for this problem. Your doctor will assess your current body weight and body mass index and tell you if you’re already qualified for a CoolSculpting procedure.

It’s important to emphasize that CoolSculpting is not a weight loss treatment. People who are obese or way above their ideal weight should lose the extra pounds first before they can qualify for the treatment. Doctors would usually advise that you lose weight until you’re only 10-20 pounds above your target weight. For the stomach, you have to lose the visceral fat, not just aesthetic purposes, but also for health reasons. CoolSculpting also requires that you have a minimum weight level before you go for treatment. You need enough fat in the treatment area for the CoolSculpting tool to grab onto or else you won’t benefit so much from it.

How CoolSculpting Works for the Abdomen

CoolSculpting ideally targets subcutaneous fat, or what's referred to as “pinchable” belly fat. Excess fat can accumulate in the abdomen for many different reasons, from genetics to lifestyle choices, such as food and activity levels. CoolSculpting for belly fat is a body contouring procedure that delivers visible reduction in fat cells with each round of sculpting. You can expect to lose an average of 20-25 percent of fat per session.

CoolSculpting is not a recommended weight loss program for those who are obese or overweight. In this treatment, you are expected to lose inches, not pounds. The procedure is specifically designed for people who are within five to 35 pounds of their ideal/target weight and want to totally eliminate stubborn fat.

With CoolSculpting, you can spot reduce the fatty tissue in your upper abdomen and lower abdomen. You can also go for a 360-degree approach during your consultation, which will be discussed as your doctor develops your treatment plan. CoolSculpting can also safely and effectively treat back fat and other areas, as long as you're medically cleared by your doctor.

Naturally, you would want to know how many rounds of CoolSculpting you will need to get the results that you want. The treatments are customized to meet your anatomy and your target results. You can expect around 20-25% reduction per session. A lot of patients go through two to three rounds before they see the CoolSculpting results that they want.

Read more: How Many CoolSculpting Vacuums for Stomach Are Needed?

What to Expect After CoolSculpting Treatment

Attractive young adult in sportswear posing on white background

The results for CoolSculpting are meant to be permanent except for the stomach area, which may require additional two or more sessions to get the effects that you want. Your doctor will decide how many sessions it will take to remove the fat layer in your particular problem area. CoolSculpting completely removes the fat cells instead of just shrinking them down, which is what traditional fat loss methods do. On average, CoolSculpting treatments eventually reduce around 20 percent of the fat in the treated area. In some cases, the reductions can go as high as 40 percent, although this likely occurs in smaller treatment areas such as the arms.

Learn more: Is Stomach Fat Permanently Lost After CoolSculpting?

Uneven Stomach and Other Side Effects

Just like other cosmetic procedures, surgical or non-surgical, CoolSculpting and other fat reduction treatments come with its own set of risks and side effects. However, these are usually normal and temporary. Because your body goes through the rigorous functions of the tools involved, it’s a given to feel at least tolerable pain and discomfort during and after the procedure.

Some patients report having uneven-looking stomachs or lumpiness after their CoolSculpting treatment, which doctors confirm is a temporary state that comes with the healing process. If you’re experiencing this, it’s most likely due to the swelling caused by the treatment. Since your body’s still removing fat cells around four to six months after treatment, it’s normal to see effects such as this one. Your stomach will eventually even out as your body heals and recuperates. In some cases, it will take another round of treatment to adjust the unevenness.

There are other factors that contribute to the unevenness of the stomach after CoolSculpting. There may be possible asymmetry that was not noticed before the procedure or it can occur if the patient has scoliosis. It’s also possible that one side of the body reacts better to the fat-sucking functions of the CoolSculpting applicator. This can be fixed later on.

Of course, one can’t dismiss the possibility of professional error. Uneven results can occur because the technician may not have used the applicator correctly or the doctor has not assessed your problems right away. This is why it’s crucial that you seek only licensed professionals for your CoolSculpting cosmetic procedure in order to avoid complications such as paradoxical adipose hyperplasia.

Since CoolSculpting has become a popular treatment, you may encounter a professional claiming to be a CoolSculpting specialist and offering services at lower fees. While it’s perfectly reasonable to shop for competitive rates, you should remember that it’s better to pay a little more for a board-certified professional who has hospital privileges and working for a reputable facility.

Book Your CoolSculpting at NJ Center for CoolSculpting Today

Do you want to lose stubborn fat deposits without having to resort to plastic surgery? When it comes to CoolSculpting professionals you can trust, you can’t do better than the team at NJ Center for CoolSculpting. They are committed to providing clients with the safest, most effective customized aesthetic procedures and utilizing the latest advances in non-invasive cosmetic treatments and technologies. 

We offer non surgical procedure alternatives to address problem areas such as outer and inner thigh, loose skin or excess skin, arms, breasts, and buttocks. If Botox and dermal filler can't fix your target areas, we have the solution for them. Call now and let a representative assist you in scheduling an appointment with one of their talented specialists. 

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Abdominal fat is one of the most common body problems in both men and women. There may be some people who are comfortable with not having a perfect stomach, but most people would rather do something about it if they can. This is why fat reduction procedures such as CoolSculpting continue to draw patients both young and old, especially those who don't want to undergo surgical procedures such as the tummy tuck or liposuction. You may have taken this treatment already and got the flat stomach that you want, but now you’re wondering if you need to continue taking sessions as maintenance.

So is it necessary to get CoolSculpting on already flat stomach? It’s something that only your doctor can answer precisely, but generally, CoolSculpting is designed to treat those pockets of fat that cling stubbornly to certain areas of your body, including your abdomen. You need to have a certain level of body fat since the CoolSculpting applicator works as suction and it needs enough flesh to hold onto. Now what can be considered a flat stomach will depend on your doctor’s assessment, but most people still have that little pouch of fat or fat bulges in the lower abdomen no matter how much diet or exercise they do.

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How CoolSculpting Works on the Stomach

It’s important to get an idea of how CoolSculpting works as a non invasive fat reduction treatment in order to understand how it eliminates excess fat. Also known as Cryolipolysis, CoolSculpting freezes the fat off, literally, using a machine that targets the areas of your body with stubborn fat. The fat freezing destroys the fat cells and these damaged cells are then naturally flushed out of your body through your lymphatic system. Since the fat cell is more temperature-sensitive than the rest of the cells in your body, the undamaged cells are left intact. This is why CoolSculpting can be done without inflicting permanent injury on your skin, nerves, muscles, and other cells in your body.

During the CoolSculpting procedure, your doctor or technician will apply a gel-like substance to protect your skin from the pressure. He will then use a CoolSmooth applicator that is installed with a vacuum. This is designed to suck the flesh in the treatment area to target the fat cells that are bunched together. The CoolAdvantage applicator will deliver a precise and controlled cooling to the problem area, which will freeze the fat cells in order to destroy it.

The procedure is completely safe and there's no need to worry about any skin or nerve damage. Fat cells are more temperature-sensitive compared to the other cells in your body and the temperature from the treatment is set specifically for cell death. As the cooling progresses, your cells will start to crystallize or freeze, resulting in their death. The next few weeks following your procedure, your body will naturally break down the dead fat cells and flush them out through the body’s natural waste process.

Learn more: Freezing Your Stomach Fat With CoolSculpting

How Much Belly Fat Is Needed to Qualify for CoolSculpting

Portrait of a cheerful young woman laughing with her hands in her pocket isolated against white background

Most of us have “pinchable” fat in the abdomen, which is what CoolSculpting can help eliminate. The ideal CoolSculpting candidate is someone who is about 30 pounds or less from their ideal weight. Anyone who weighs more than this will be advised to lose the extra weight first before they can qualify for the procedure. Although technically, anyone can go through the treatment, but if you have more body fat than necessary, you won’t benefit much from the procedure. CoolSculpting is a fat reduction procedure and not a weight loss treatment.

In the case of patients who already have a flatter stomach, they can still benefit from CoolSculpting, since there are lots of thin people who still have problem spots. As long as you have pinchable fat in your stomach that can fit into one of the CoolSculpting applicators, then the treatment is still useful for you. Your doctor will assess if you have enough fat deposits or if your problem area is too small for CoolSculpting and if it is, he can suggest another type of non-invasive treatment for you.

How to Measure If You Have Too Much Belly Fat

Your doctor is the best person to assess whether your belly will need a CoolSculpting procedure, but you can have a good idea if you’re packing a bit much on the stomach by measuring your waist properly. While you’re standing, place a tape measure around your bare stomach, just above your hip bone. Pull the tape until it fits snugly around your waist but without pushing into your skin. Check to make sure that the tape measure is on the right level all around your waist. You’re probably holding your breath all this time so now exhale and then measure your waist while resisting the urge to suck in your gut.

If you’re female and your waist measures more than 35 inches or 89 centimeters, then your belly fat is too much and you’re probably at a higher health risk. Controlling weight gain at this point is not just for aesthetics, but also for your health. The trouble with stomach fat is that it's not limited to the extra layer of padding located just below your skin, which is the subcutaneous fat. It also includes visceral fat, which is found deep inside your abdomen and surrounds your internal organs. While subcutaneous fat poses problems aesthetically, visceral fat can lead to more dangerous health problems such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, abnormal cholesterol, and high blood pressure.

Studies also associate stomach fat with an increased risk of premature death, no matter what your overall weight is. In fact, some studies have found that even in women with normal weight (as based on standard body mass index (BMI) measurements), a large waistline can increase the chances of death due to cardiovascular disease.

When is the Best Time to Get CoolSculpting for Your Stomach?

woman in the white bikini on the beach

As long as you don’t have a medical condition that will disqualify you for treatment and if you’re already in the ideal weight range, it’s easier to find the ideal timing for your CoolSculpting procedure. If you have a special day or a big event coming up (weddings or reunions), you might be considering getting a CoolSculpting session so you can look slender or thinner for the occasion. But keep in mind that the results of your CoolSculpting treatment will take some time to become really visible. You may have to wait for weeks or months. Don't expect a visible CoolSculpting result right after your first treatment. Some patients may require more than one session to get dramatic results. So remember this and plan your sessions accordingly.

You also need to allow enough time for your body to heal after the procedure. You will be having some swelling and bruising after your session, as well as possible numbing of the nerves. Because of this, you may want to hold off on physically demanding activities. Also, if you're self-conscious, you may want to postpone activities that will require you to wear minimal clothing. So if you plan to go on a beach vacation, you will have to do some strategic scheduling for your CoolSculpting sessions.

Can CoolSculpting Tighten the Skin in Your Stomach?

If your stomach is already on the flatter side and there’s not much fat to eliminate, you can still enjoy another of the treatment’s benefits, which is skin tightening. It makes the skin in the treated area look less saggy and more toned. It was theorized that the cold temperature of the paddles used during the procedure can trigger increased collagen production. Collagen is what makes skin stay youthful, which explains why the body contouring procedure can tighten up loose skin in the areas that have become saggy over time.

The gradual fat loss involved after CoolSculpting can be a factor too. The elimination of stubborn fat deposit after the treatment can sometimes take up to four months. This gives your skin enough time to contract naturally over the newly sculpted body shape.

Are you looking for the best CoolSculpting treatments in New Jersey? At NJ Center for CoolSculpting, you’re in good hands. The facility’s staff consists of board-certified doctors, plastic surgeon, certified aestheticians, and licensed physician assistants who have spent years in the field of body sculpting. If you want to fix certain areas of your body - your stubborn belly, excess skin, double chin, upper arm, outer thigh, inner thigh - without surgery, we're the best people for the job. 

NJ Center for CoolSculpting is committed to providing the safest and most effective treatments to reduce stubborn, unwanted fat from your body, even without surgical procedure. Their mission is to help you look and feel your best, both inside and outside. Call now and schedule an appointment with one of the center's top specialists.

Learn more: Is Stomach Fat Permanently Lost After CoolSculpting?

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They say that the secrets to a sculpted body are a clean diet, cardio and strength training, and a good night’s sleep. While these do contribute a lot to a better-looking body, it’s genetics that’s often the heaviest factor. Because even if you do all of the above diligently, you may not get the results you want because of genetic predisposition. No amount of work can seem to make that stomach as flat as you want it to be. Body sculpting can help you in this frustration — it can reduce fat in your stomach and all the other areas in your body that you want to improve.

So now the question is, “What is the less painful body sculpting stomach techniques minimal discomfort to none?” In order to understand this better, you need to learn about the benefits of non-invasive body sculpting treatments, the types of methods available for fat removal, and who are the good candidates for such treatments.

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Benefits of Non-Invasive Body Sculpting Treatments

Gone are the days that you have to resort to liposuction to get rid of pockets of fat from your body. An assisted liposuction procedure is indeed effective, but it’s a surgical procedure and not all people are keen on dealing with everything that comes with it: the incisions, general anesthesia or local anesthesia, and long recovery period. There’s also the possibility of scarring when it comes to plastic surgery.

This is where non-invasive body sculpting comes in. These are non surgical treatments that use heat, cold, radiofrequency, or other methods to safely destroy fat cells. After these fat cells are destroyed, your body just naturally flushes them out of your system. This means that the treatments don’t offer immediate results because it takes time for your body to eliminate the fat cells in a safe and natural way. But when you finally see the full results of the treatment, you’ll discover that it's definitely worth the long wait. In this way, you get the shape that you want without needing a plastic surgeon.

Learn more: Freezing Your Stomach Fat With CoolSculpting

Why Body Sculpting Is Used

People opt for body sculpting to look and feel thinner or to attain a certain body contour. It’s often used on specific areas of the body that can't be improved with diet and exercise no matter what. Body sculpting is the more practical alternative for those who aren’t willing or ready for surgical options, which can also remove excess skin or loose skin to make the skin look smoother and younger.

The most common areas targeted by body sculpting include the arms, back, belly, flanks (love handles), buttocks, neck, chin, and thighs. Body sculpting can also be used for the breast to get the breast lift or breast reduction effect without surgery. If you’ve had breast augmentation, you need to get your doctor's approval to undergo the procedure.

What Happens Before Your Body Contouring Procedure

During your initial consultation, the doctor will ask you about your goals and note your medical history, including health conditions, allergies, and previous surgeries. He’ll also ask you about any medications you’re taking, including vitamins and over-the-counter drugs, as well as the use of alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs. Your doctor will examine and measure the area(s) you want to change and mark those spots with a marker or pen.

He’ll then discuss your options and make recommendations with the cosmetic procedure. You’ll also get to know the risks involved.

Depending on the body sculpting method you’ll choose, your doctor may request blood work or a physical exam. You’ll be advised to stop smoking and taking certain medications, such as aspirin, NSAIDs, and herbal supplements.

Types of Methods Used for Non-Surgical Fat Removal

Cropped shot of an unrecognizable young woman making a heart shape on her stomach in her bedroom

There are several types of methods used for nonsurgical fat removal: low-level laser therapy, cryolipolysis, laser lipolysis, radiofrequency, and ultrasound. Get to know each method to discover which best method is for you.

1. Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) 

Low-level laser therapy will emit cold laser energy into your body tissues that are absorbed by fat cells. These cells are then broken down and absorbed into the body. The treatment incorporates cool-laser technology in eliminating fat deposits around your arms, abdomen, thighs, buttocks, and other areas of your body. LLLT exposes unwanted fat and subcutaneous fat to low-level laser energy which forces fat cells to expel lipids into your body.

Once outside the cells, the fat is assimilated by the body and eventually removed via natural processes. During treatment, your local doctor will use a hand-held device to direct cold laser energy at the target areas. The device doesn’t touch your skin, so there's no discomfort at all.

Zerona is the most common brand name for this type of therapy. It's known as one of the most gentle fat reduction treatments in the market today. The Zerona LLLT is FDA-approved to be used for the waist, hips, and thighs. What makes Zerona different from other non-invasive treatments is that the results are usually seen within several weeks or less after treatment. The average patient loses approximately 3.72 inches from the circumference of the waist, hips, and thighs in just six treatments. A Zerona session lasts around 20 to 40 minutes and side effects are virtually rare. According to most patients, the treatment is completely painless, although some may experience a slight tingling, but never pain.

2. Cryolipolysis

Cryolipolysis utilizes controlled cooling (about 4°C or 39°F) to cause cellular death of fatty tissues. Once the fat cells are damaged irreparably, they’ll be disintegrated and removed from the body through natural absorption and elimination processes. Although cryolipolysis isn’t intended for people who are clinically obese, it’s been proven effective for people who are slightly overweight and just wanted to get rid of stubborn bulges or chest/back fat, which are difficult to eliminate via diet and exercise.

CoolSculpting is the most common brand name for this treatment type and one of the most popular non-surgical fat reduction treatments in the world. A CoolSculpting session lasts around 35 to 60 minutes, and side effects include numbness, mild swelling, redness, and tingling. All these are temporary. You may feel discomfort from the numbness caused by the cooling sensations from the freezing applicator. Slight pinching and pulling sensations may also be felt as the fat cells are frozen and pulled out.

The treatment is best for those who are having trouble losing weight in the chin, love handles, lower abdomen, inner thighs, and outer thighs. You should also be within 30 pounds of your ideal weight before getting CoolSculpting done.

3. Laser Lipolysis

SculpSure, which makes use of Laser Lipolysis technology, is FDA-cleared and is similar to CoolSculpting, but it uses the opposite approach in killing fat cells. Instead of freezing them, heat is used to kill them. Using a light-based technology, SculpSure’s increase in heat causes the fat cells to rupture, thus destroying fat and removing the deposits from the abdomen, flanks, back, inner thighs, and outer thighs. FDA cleared. This is a good choice for those with trouble spots and visible fat bulges in areas like the abdomen and flanks.

Each SculpSure session lasts around 25 minutes and common side effects include mild swelling, numbness, redness, and tingling, which are all temporary. The treatment is best for those who simply want to contour their bodies; it's not for those seeking to drop a serious amount of weight. This procedure is most recommended for skin tightening, sculpting, and defining.

Freeze Away Your Stubborn Fat Like Never Before

Up to 25% Fat Reduction With CoolSculpting: Treat Yourself Today!

4. Ultrasound

Ultrasound (ultrasonic) fat removal makes use of ultrasound-created energy to liquify fatty tissue and then the fat is removed by the doctor using a thin cannula. Unlike surgical liposuction, which involves the removal of unliquified, dense fat with larger cannulas, ultrasound-based fat removal is less aggressive since the doctor can move cannulas smoothly and easily under the skin in removing fat.

Like Zerona, cryolipolysis, and radiofrequency energy body contouring procedures, ultrasound fat removal isn’t intended as a primary weight-loss method. It’s meant to reduce fat deposits that are typically found around the abdomen, thighs, and waist, which can be resistant to diet and exercise.

The most common brand names for ultrasound therapy are Liposonix and Ultrashape. A session can take a half-hour to several hours long. A technician will apply a thin layer of gel to your skin. After that, the ultrasound transducer head is then moved over the treatment area. You can have the same area treated more than once.

5. Radiofrequency Energy 

Radiofrequency technology delivers therapeutic heat to skin tissues in order to reduce cellulite, wrinkles, and folds in your face and body. It can eliminate cellulite by targeting fat cells that are lying just underneath the skin. Once the fat cells have been obliterated, the leftover lipid fluid is absorbed and assimilated by your body, leaving your skin tighter and smoother-looking, sans the “bumpy” cellulite.

In removing the fat cells, the treatment slims and contours the thighs, buttocks, and hips (where cellulite tends to collect and create unattractive bulges) that’s often difficult to do with diet and exercise. When it’s used to revitalize damaged or aging facial skin, radiofrequency energy tightens sagging skin. This is done by multiplying and contracting collagen fibers. At the same time, it also enhances your skin's texture and tone.

Good Candidates for Non-Invasive Body Sculpting Treatments

Group of women with different body type in underwear

Although body sculpting can benefit a lot of people, there are some who may be better off seeking alternatives. Now the treatment is great for both men and women and people of all skin types. Even those with fair complexion or sensitive skin can safely undergo body sculpting since they don’t have to deal with a laser treatment that can damage their skin during the procedure. Body sculpting is safe for people regardless of skin type and without having to worry about skin damage.

Now here lies the great difference. Body sculpting is recommended for those who are already close to their ideal weight since the treatment is primarily designed for excess fat loss, not weight loss. You have to be within 10 to 20 pounds of your ideal weight. If you simply want to lose a notch or two on your belt, then this treatment is for you. If you’re obese and need to lose serious weight, body sculpting won’t really do anything for you. You’ll most likely do better with cosmetic surgery, such as traditional liposuction or tummy tuck surgery. You can also go for the minimally invasive alternatives, such as laser liposuction, VASER liposuction, or tumescent liposuction.

In line with this, body sculpting is ideal for those with a healthier lifestyle, specifically those who maintain a good diet and exercise regularly but couldn’t lose stubborn fat in certain areas, such as the back and tummy. If you already have a healthy lifestyle, it would be easier for you to maintain the effects of the treatment. Remember that body sculpting can remove body fat, but it couldn’t prevent it from coming back.

Experience Quality Body Sculpting With CoolSculpting Center of NJ 

It’s vital for you to have a realistic idea and expectations about what the body contouring treatments can do for you. If you’re obese, you certainly won't be able to walk away from a treatment looking like a supermodel. In fact, non-surgical body contouring treatments aren’t designed for obese individuals. They’re designed for those who are pretty close to their ideal weight and only have pockets of fat on their body that they can’t get rid of with diet and exercise.

Are you willing to experience the benefits of body sculpting without the invasive procedure? CoolSculpting Center of NJ provides its clients with the safest and most effective customized aesthetic procedures. They use the latest advances in non-invasive cosmetic treatments and technologies. The procedure is done within a peaceful and luxurious environment, and you can choose from a wide array of services and products to enhance the appearance of your skin. Call now and speak with a representative who can answer your questions or assist you in scheduling an appointment with one of the clinic’s talented specialists.

Learn more: Does CoolSculpting Cause Uneven Stomach

Freeze Away Your Stubborn Fat Like Never Before

Up to 25% Fat Reduction With CoolSculpting: Treat Yourself Today!


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What Our Clients Say About Us

  • "The treatment itself was not uncomfortable. Afterwords, I felt great. I didn't really notice anything for about 30 days. After day 30 until about a month later, I started noticing that my favorite jeans were not as tight anymore. I wasn't having to suck in to get them buttoned. And by that two month period after my CoolSculpting

    Lesley Hamilton

    Age 41

  • "It's subtle at first, and then a month later you look and go, "Wow - It really did something!" It really moved the bar for me, and I'm feeling better about myself already. It feels so good to put on anything and know I look as good as I've ever looked. And I didn't say that or feel that when I was in my 20's, 30's, and 40's."

    Anne McMarthy

    Age 56

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