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What Are the Benefits of CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is a non-invasive procedure that eliminates stubborn body fat. For some patients, it has been the fat reduction treatment for targeted areas they've been waiting for. This procedure gets rid of stubborn bulges that no exercise and dieting can help a person lose. Because it's a non-surgical procedure, some patients who are squeamish about invasive procedures may feel more comfortable and enjoy having little recovery time. CoolSculpting has many other benefits its patients love.

So what are the benefits of CoolSculpting? This procedure is an effective treatment for fat reduction in targeted areas. Patients also enjoy having lower risks of complications, minimal downtime, no scarring, and significantly lower cost compared with other fat removal procedures. CoolSculpting is also versatile and offers permanent results, given that proper maintenance practices are followed.

Freeze Away Your Stubborn Fat Like Never Before

Up to 25% Fat Reduction With CoolSculpting: Treat Yourself Today!

Benefits of CoolSculpting

Patients report several benefits from receiving this procedure deemed by some as the #1 non-invasive fat reduction treatment. It eliminates pockets of fat with low risk, no scarring, and little downtime. Patients enjoy a painless, permanent, and versatile procedure that gives them a contoured appearance for a lower cost.

1) Targeted Fat Reduction

CoolSculpting is a body contouring treatment that eliminates fat cells that are difficult to lose, freezes them in cold temperatures, and gives you a more toned body in turn. The frozen fat cells are then excreted normally in the body, slimming down the targeted area.

Even those who lead a healthy lifestyle can benefit from CoolSculpting. They might lose weight as they maintain their regular exercise, but they can’t choose the area that their body burns. This procedure can eliminate your double chin and love handles, as well as target other fat deposits.

2) Lower Risk

There might be other effective fat removal procedures, such as liposuction. However, most patients are apprehensive about its risks. While small, there may still be risks in every surgery, even if you're under the care of a trusted and highly-trained plastic surgeon.

That's why some patients would prefer non-invasive cosmetic procedures, such as CoolSculpting. This cosmetic treatment has fewer risks as it only kills fat cells by applying the cold temperature on your skin. It's not cold enough to damage your skin and other tissues, but it can freeze the fat cells and allow the body to dispose of them.

Patients may expect minimal discomfort during the procedure and a few side effects, such as skin sensitivity, slight redness, bruising, and temporary swelling. These are only minor side effects and should resolve shortly.

3) Lower Cost

CoolSculpting is also a cheaper option for a fat reduction procedure. The cost is also one aspect of liposuction surgery that makes patients hesitate. It may provide drastic results, but it may be more expensive. That's because patients will also pay for the anesthesia, the operating room used, and other possible hidden fees.

4) Minimal Downtime

CoolSculpting has little to no downtime, so patients may resume their daily activities without a problem. It's also an FDA-approved procedure, which guarantees safety and effectiveness. Patients report noticeable results after their first treatment as it can get rid of 21% of fat in the treated area.

5) No Scarring

Some patients have second thoughts about fat removal surgeries because of the scars they may leave, no matter how small. That's why some patients need to undergo laser treatment or RF energy procedures after their surgery to remove them and tighten the sagging skin as well.

As CoolSculpting is a non-invasive procedure, it leaves no scarring on the patient. That's why it’s a recommended alternative to liposuction - safe and causes no visible damage on the skin.

6) Versatile

CoolSculpting may remove diet and exercise-resistant fat in different areas of the body. Any pinchable fat may be eliminated by this procedure. Here are some of the areas it can resolve:

  • belly fat
  • inner and outer thighs
  • under the chin or the double chin
  • love handles or flanks
  • bra bulges
  • upper arms
  • back
  • fat under the buttocks or the "banana roll"

These are only the common areas that patients want to get rid of, so there might be other parts that the procedure can eliminate. Each area needs the best applicator to provide patients with the best results. As a CoolSculpting user, you must choose a highly-experienced aesthetic practitioner for your treatment.

7) Permanent Results

Dead cells remain gone in this procedure, leaving you with your dream figure. CoolSculpting provides long-lasting results in eliminating body bulges. However, patients may still grow bulges if they gain weight again.

How to Enhance the Results of Your CoolSculpting

unrecognizable young woman posing in her underwear against a grey background1

CoolSculpting may give you satisfying results, but it's not an alternative to weight loss. But it's a good place to start to stay motivated in working hard to achieve your goal weight. Improve the results of your CoolSculpting procedure by staying on track with your diet, exercise, and keeping yourself hydrated.

1) Improving Diet

If you want to maximize the results of your procedure, you might want to avoid weight gain. Be on a strict diet that consists of mostly healthy food. Build a nutrition plan that will balance your diet by including whole grains, healthy fat, lean protein, fruits, and vegetables. 

Avoid food that's too sweet, salty, and oily, such as chips, junk food, and baked goods. Eating junk food shouldn't be a problem to indulge once in a while, but ensure that it's not part of your regular diet.

2) Improving Exercise

Leading an active lifestyle is key to reaching your ideal weight and body shape. CoolSculpting can give you a toned appearance. Working out will maintain and enhance its results. Do cardio and weight training to keep you chiseled and healthy.

3) Staying Hydrated

Drinking lots of water will help the body get rid of fat cells faster, so it's recommended to stay hydrated when preparing for your CoolSculpting procedure. Doing this will also maximize the results of the procedure.

Achieve Your Ideal Body with NJ Center of CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting has benefits that help patients achieve their ideal body shape and maintain a healthy lifestyle. It can provide satisfying results as it eliminates body bulges and tones down your physique. What's great about it is you can enhance its results through good maintenance practices.

Choose trusted and experienced professionals when considering CoolSculpting, like our team in the NJ Center of CoolSculpting. We are dedicated to catering to our customer’s aesthetic goals. Try CoolSculpting for yourself and contact us to book a consultation today.

Freeze Away Your Stubborn Fat Like Never Before

Up to 25% Fat Reduction With CoolSculpting: Treat Yourself Today!


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*Claim 50% off 8 Cycles , 32% off 6 cycles, 25% off 4. Value $800/cycle.

What Our Clients Say About Us

  • "The treatment itself was not uncomfortable. Afterwords, I felt great. I didn't really notice anything for about 30 days. After day 30 until about a month later, I started noticing that my favorite jeans were not as tight anymore. I wasn't having to suck in to get them buttoned. And by that two month period after my CoolSculpting

    Lesley Hamilton

    Age 41

  • "It's subtle at first, and then a month later you look and go, "Wow - It really did something!" It really moved the bar for me, and I'm feeling better about myself already. It feels so good to put on anything and know I look as good as I've ever looked. And I didn't say that or feel that when I was in my 20's, 30's, and 40's."

    Anne McMarthy

    Age 56

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