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CoolSculpting For Saggy Breasts in Men and Women

While it seems like everyone, especially women, would give anything to have bigger breasts, there are actually people who want to lessen their breast size. Not only do they have to deal with the physical discomfort, there’s also the social embarrassment that comes with having a saggy chest. For those who are in this situation and still not sold on the idea of getting breast surgery, a non-invasive alternative such as CoolSculpting may be the answer.

So why should people get CoolSculpting for saggy breasts? CoolSculpting does not actually reduce the size of the breasts but it does eliminate fat cells, making the breasts firmer and look smaller. Since women’s breasts are made primarily of tissue while men’s chests contain fat cells, the treatment may work better on men. CoolSculpting is designed to freeze fat cells in order to destroy them, which is just perfect for the fat cells in man boobs.

Freeze Away Your Stubborn Fat Like Never Before

Up to 25% Fat Reduction With CoolSculpting: Treat Yourself Today!

CoolSculpting Treatment for Non-surgical Breast Reduction

Knowing the costs and the long recovery time that comes with breast surgery, it’s a relief that a non-surgical procedure such as CoolSculpting can serve as an alternative to those who want to get breast reduction. An increasing number of plastic surgeons are offering CoolSculpting to treat gynecomastia, a condition among males having excess fat cells in their chest area. 

CoolSculpting can help eliminate fat cells that are causing these male chests to enlarge. The procedure can remove around 20% of fat deposits with gradual but sure results. In some cases, a patient will require multiple treatments to get the desired CoolSculpting results.

Surgical Fat Removal VS CoolSculpting For Breast Reduction

young couple isloated on a gray backround

In breast reduction surgery, liposuction is the main technique used to trim down the treatment area. In traditional liposuction, a cannula is inserted into the target area to suck out the unwanted fat. Recent developments are making use of laser energy to melt the fat away and suck it out in a gentler manner, which makes the recovery times shorter compared to cosmetic surgery.

In comparison, a CoolSculpting procedure works externally by using a non-invasive applicator to suck the skin of the treatment area between its two cooling panels. The CoolSculpting applicator will then freeze the treated fat cells without harming the other cells and the surrounding tissue. While it may not produce the dramatic results that surgery brings, the results of CoolSculpting may be good enough for a lot of people, especially those who want to get rid of stubborn fat but don’t want a surgical procedure.

CoolSculpting for Male Breast Reduction

Enlarged male breast tissue, also called gynecomastia, is most commonly caused by super elevated or imbalanced male estrogen levels. It can affect one or both breasts and can occur naturally at different times in a man’s life. It can be right after birth as newborn boys are still under the effects of the estrogen from their mothers while they are still in the womb. 

It usually goes away within two to three weeks after birth. He can also get it during puberty, when hormone levels are changing. This usually occurs among those 12 to 14 years of age. It recedes six months to two years after the start of puberty.

Gynecomastia can also happen to men during their midlife stage and beyond. External factors also come into play, such as obesity, weight loss, thyroid problems, kidney failure, and liver disease. Certain drugs, such as anabolic steroids, amphetamines, and marijuana, can also cause it.

CoolSculpting can be used as off-label fat reduction to reduce the size of male breasts safely and effectively. It does come with some caveats. Before the doctor clears you for the procedure, he has to check for any breast tenderness, nipple inversion, tumor, or milk production. For optimal results, you may need to undergo multiple sessions, including the underarm breast roll.

Also, any residual breast parenchyma or breast gland tissue will not be reduced by CoolSculpting and this may leave a firm and more dense ptosis or sagging. These considerations will be discussed by your doctor or plastic surgeon during your initial consultation.

CoolSculpting for Excess Bra Fat

Woman in Sports Bra Pinching Arm Fat on a White Background

For women, CoolSculpting is more useful in eliminating bra fat and getting a skin tightening effect with it as far as treatment in the breast area is concerned. The cosmetic procedure works really well for reducing the unsightly fat bulging from the firm elastic band of the bra. Exercise may help lessen the overall fat, but it can be really challenging to firm and tone this area. 

A CoolSculpting session gets rid of the fat bulges on one or two sides of the bra strap, as well as the fat around the strap that goes around the back. This makes wearing sweaters, sleeveless dresses, and swimsuits more comfortable.

CoolSculpting for bra fat will yield gradual results and it can take weeks or even months to get the full effect, especially if you have more than one or two sessions. The fat cells destroyed by the freezing technique will be flushed away naturally by your body’s lymphatic system to reveal a slimmer and more toned body shape. But this takes time since your body is naturally processing the dead fat cells from the fatty tissue out of your system.

Get Firmer Breasts Without the Surgery at NJ Center for CoolSculpting

The NJ Center for CoolSculpting provides the safest, most effective customized aesthetic body contouring procedures by utilizing the latest advances in non-invasive cosmetic treatment and technologies. As a patient, you get to enjoy treatments for your excess skin and sagging breasts in a serene and luxurious facility and served by a team of board-certified doctors, certified aestheticians, and licensed physician assistants. 

The center's experts can treat common loose skin and body fat problem areas such as inner thighs, outer thighs, and abdomen without having to resort to plastic surgery. Call NJ Center for CoolSculpting and know your options for CoolSculpting your breast and other problem areas.

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Up to 25% Fat Reduction With CoolSculpting: Treat Yourself Today!


Pain between the breast bone, also referred to as sternum pain, can be caused by various conditions that don’t necessarily have anything to do with your sternum itself. Your sternum connects the two sides of your rib cage together and is situated in front of many major organs (heart, lungs, and stomach) located in your chest and gut. But it’s only natural to wonder if cosmetic treatments such as CoolSculpting can cause pain between breast bone if conducted especially in the chest area.

So is pain between the breast bone and CoolSculpting related? CoolSculpting comes with several side effects, such as swelling and bruises. These are normal and should go away after days or weeks. If you’ve had CoolSculpting near the chest area, the swelling and bruising could be the reasons behind your sternum pain. However, there are instances that the pain can be caused by something else and this is something that should be checked by your doctor.

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Up to 25% Fat Reduction With CoolSculpting: Treat Yourself Today!

Common Causes of Sternum Pain

Think of your first reaction to chest pain, especially if it’s the consistent or severe kind. You probably think that you may be having a heart attack, but in a lot of cases, pain in the chest has nothing to do with the heart. Sternum pain can work similarly and is more likely to be caused by conditions that have nothing to do with your sternum itself. The pain could be caused by your muscles, bones, and your digestive tract.

Costochondritis is the most common cause of sternum pain which occurs when the cartilage that connects your sternum to your ribs becomes inflamed. Symptoms include sharp aches or pains on the side of your sternum, pain or discomfort in one or more ribs which gets worse when you breathe deeply or when you cough. 

The condition doesn’t always have a specific cause, but the likely culprits are physical strain, chest injury, or joint conditions such as arthritis. Fortunately, costochondritis is not a serious condition and shouldn’t be a cause for alarm.

Sternum pain can also be a result of conditions or injuries to the bones and muscles around your sternum. These conditions include injury in the joints or collarbone, hernias, fractures, and surgery on the sternum, such as open heart surgery. Such injuries are:

Sternum Pain And Breast Augmentation

shot of a young woman having a consultation with her doctor

If you’ve recently had breast augmentation or got a breast implant, it’s natural to have pain in the sterna area, especially after a submuscular augment. It occurs when the medial pectoral fibers are attached in the sterna area and stretched. 

Also, most surgeons will disrupt some of the attachments of your pectoralis major muscle to the lower portion of your sternum while putting the implants under the muscle. The pocket beneath the chest muscle is usually enlarged to make room for the implant by detaching some of the insertions of the pectoralis muscle.

This will leave the area sore for a while after plastic surgery and discomfort in the sternum can last around 10 to 14 days. This should be resolved within the first month after the procedure. Your cosmetic surgeon will discuss this with you during your initial consultation for breast surgery.

You may also experience spasms due to the stretching of the muscles and nerves. These should all go away after some time, so there’s really no need to worry. You can take anti-inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen to treat the discomfort after about a week after surgery.

Sternum Pain and Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer Awareness Concept

Many women experience lasting pain or discomfort in the chest or breast area after undergoing breast cancer surgery. The condition is called post mastectomy reconstruction syndrome (PMRS) and a natural effect from having mastectomy, which is the surgical removal of the breast and underlying tissue. PRMS can also occur after having other breast cancer treatments apart from breast reconstruction, such as lymph node biopsy, radiation, chemotherapy, and reconstruction.

Symptoms include tightness or pain in the shoulder, muscle spasms or pain, and muscle loss in the chest wall. Women who have PMRS can also experience swelling and sensitivity of the chest wall, restricted range of motion, and axillary web syndrome or cording (formation of ropelike tissue structures form under the skin of the arms).

The pain, whether it’s the usual level expected or severe postoperative pain, is managed after surgery. Treatments for PMRS range from medication to physical therapy. Doctors may recommend getting botulinum toxin or Botox injections to reduce or eliminate painful spasms.

CoolSculpting and Sternum Pain

shot of two friends checking in to a med spa

CoolSculpting, also known as Cryolipolysis, is a fat reduction procedure designed to eliminate the stubborn pockets of fat in the subcutaneous layer that cling to certain parts of the body and can’t be resolved by diet and exercise. It involves the use of an applicator to freeze the fat cells and destroy them while leaving the non-fatty tissue intact, thus keeping them safe from destruction.

After the freezing process, the applicator is removed and your doctor will massage the treated area to stimulate the dispersion of the destroyed cells. These cells will be flushed out of your body naturally through your lymphatic system. After the session, you can safely resume your normal activities since the downtime is minimal to none.

The results of your CoolSculpting procedure will be gradual, so don’t expect dramatic transformations right after your treatment. Depending on the area treated, results will take weeks or sometimes months to fully show. This is because your body needs time to flush out the destroyed fat cells out of your system. Your new contours will slowly reveal itself while you wait for the full results to become visible. For some patients, CoolSculpting can have a skin tightening effect as well.

So where does sternum pain come in? A CoolSculpting procedure comes with its own set of side effects, which are normal and should recede after days or weeks. Some of the expected effects are swelling and bruising. Now if you have had CoolSculpting work done on areas near your chest, it can result in pain or discomfort after the treatment and you may feel the effects between your breast bone, thus the sternum pain.

Is CoolSculpting Good For You?

CoolSculpting is a safe and effective non-invasive procedure approved by the FDA to use for several parts of the body, such as the chin, neck, arms, upper and lower abdomen, hips, thighs, and buttocks. The ideal patient for the stubborn fat treatment is someone who is already close to her ideal weight and preferably not more than 25 pounds above it. You should have enough fat to fill the CoolSculpting applicator.

If you are on the obese side or weight 25 pounds more than your ideal weight, your doctor will likely recommend that you lose the extra pounds first before you can get cleared for CoolSculpting treatment. It should be emphasized that CoolSculpting is a body contouring procedure designed for fat reduction and not a weight loss solution. It’s ideal for those who are down to their last few pockets of unwanted fat that diet and exercise can’t remove anymore.

Why Choose CoolSculpting Over Liposuction

Card of question mark in young woman hand on pastel pink background

Liposuction is definitely effective when it comes to fat removal. However, it’s a surgical procedure and not all people are keen to undergo cosmetic surgery. CoolSculpting is a great alternative for these people since the treatment doesn’t require incisions, general anesthesia, and long recovery time.

CoolSculpting may multiple sessions to get the results you really want and ideal only for people who are already close to their ideal weight. You also need to wait considerably to see the full effects of the treatment. If you’re someone who couldn’t lose the extra pounds and would prefer to have dramatic results quickly, maybe liposuction is the better option for you. This should be discussed with your doctor or plastic surgeon in order to determine the best treatment plan for you.

Sculpt Your Body Without the Surgery at NJ Center for CoolSculpting

Are you looking for a mommy makeover or do you simply want a better-looking body? At NJ Center for CoolSculpting, you can get the sculpted body you’ve always dreamed of without the need to undergo tummy tuck, liposuction, and other cosmetic surgery procedures.

You get nothing less than the safest, most effective customized cosmetic procedure that utilizes the latest advances in non-invasive cosmetic treatments and technologies. The center's team of experts can address all types of cosmetic issues such as facial wrinkles, excess skin, and excess fat in various parts of the body. Call now and make an appointment for your CoolSculpting treatment.

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A study of over 18,000 women revealed that most of them are not happy with their breast size, with nearly half of them wanting to have a bigger pair. But as in-demand as breast augmentation surgery is, lots of women are still hesitant to get breast implants. This is where body sculpting with fat transfer comes in, which is a surgical procedure that can make the breasts bigger using fat deposits harvested from other parts of the body.

So why choose body sculpting instead of breast implants? There are still a lot of patients who don’t like the idea of surgical treatment and putting foreign objects inside their bodies, which is what implants do. Some fear that their implants will make their breasts look obviously fake, while others don’t want to deal with the hassles that come with cosmetic surgery. For these patients, body sculpting and transfer may be the perfect alternative.

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Up to 25% Fat Reduction With CoolSculpting: Treat Yourself Today!

How Does Body Sculpting for Breast Reconstruction Works

This type of body sculpting is a minimally invasive breast enhancement procedure that involves removing natural fat from one part of your body and transfers it to your breasts. The fat is usually harvested from the tummy or thighs, where more fat deposits tend to accumulate. It’s a natural breast enhancement with no silicone or other foreign materials to be implanted in your chest. Since it's minimally invasive, the procedure uses no needles and doesn’t require stitches and risky general anesthesia. You’re actually fully awake while the procedure is going on.

Pros and Cons of Breast Implants

Dark-haired beautiful client wearing bandage on breast talking to plastic surgeon

Those who want a long-term solution in terms of bigger breasts may benefit more from getting a breast implant since it involves a foreign material inserted into the chest. Breasts will stay the same size even if you lose or gain weight. You can make your breasts as big as you want them to be under the supervision of your plastic surgeon.

However, silicone implants and other types of implants too also come with its considerable set of cons which can make you gravitate towards the natural method. You may experience a change in the texture and feeling of your breasts due to traditional breast augmentation, especially if you’re using saline implants. If you’re too skinny, the implants may look stiff under your stretched skin, thus resulting in the fake appearance.

Breast implants also require constant monitoring to make sure that there are no signs of rupture. And because it’s a surgical procedure, there’s the risk of scarring and other complications such as capsular contracture.

Difference Between Body Sculpting And Traditional Liposuction

Body sculpting for the breast with fat transfer is a gentler procedure and definitely easier to recover from, making it less risky than the traditional liposuction. With traditional liposuction, the fat grafting process or autologous fat transfer is like scraping with a cheese grater, while with body sculpting is like plucking grapes from the vine. Body sculpting is performed while you’re wide awake while traditional liposuction requires general anesthesia.

Downtime is also a major difference. You only need one to two days recovery time with body sculpting as compared to the four to six weeks needed to heal from plastic surgery procedures such as traditional liposuction. Conventional liposuction requires more manual work from your plastic surgeon, which makes damage to your lymphatic system more likely. The gentle technology of body sculpting minimizes these risks while producing smooth and reliable results.

Good Candidates for Body Sculpting for Breasts

woman with peonies

You’re a shoo-in for fat transfer for breasts if you’re over 18 years old, in good health, and want to contour or remove excess fat pockets from the breasts, chin, arms, hips, thighs, and buttocks. Anyone who has at least a pinchable amount of fat, in this case breast tissue, can safely undergo the fat transfer procedure. 

You should also have realistic expectations when it comes to the biggest size you can have, since the amount of fat to be transferred will depend on how much you have in your own body.

Factors That Can Impact the Results of Your Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation

Body sculpting via fat transfer can indeed provide you with amazing results, but there are factors that can affect the final results. Your natural breast size is one – since the procedure uses your own fat, you can expect at least a half cup increase after just one session. But the amount of excess fat in your body is key and simply put, how big your breasts will get depends on how much excess fat you can spare for transfer.

Fat intake is another factor. The amount of fat that can be transferred will depend on the quality of your breasts. If you still have a youthful pair, you may not benefit so much from the procedure since they are still firm and tight. If you went through a lot of weight loss or childbirth, your breasts will become naturally saggy and therefore more accepting of fat to be transferred since there’s more to be filled up.

Aftercare Needed for Natural Breast Augmentation Recovery

Portrait of beautiful mixed race woman in white sports bra smiling on white background

After the procedure, you will need to support your breasts and avoid significant exercise. You will need to wear a sports bra with compression material both night and day for a month. Afterward, you can just wear it during the day time only, for three months after the procedure. It’s normal to experience some bruising and swelling, which should settle within three weeks. As for painkillers, paracetamol is usually enough, unless your doctor or cosmetic surgeon prescribes something else.

Your breasts will feel firm or tender in some areas for many months. You may need to work from home for around two days and wait for three weeks before you can engage in moderate exercise. To be safe, wait for three months to pass after the cosmetic procedure to get into severe workouts.

Limitations of Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation procedure via fat transfer yields permanent results, although it comes with several caveats. First, your breasts will not stay the same size. During the procedure, fat cells grafted from other parts of your body are inserted into your breasts and some of these fat cells will be reabsorbed naturally into your body. This is part of the typical biological process. 

This is why your breasts will be at their fullest in the days immediately after your breast fat transfer, but it will shrink over time. The shrinking will cease after about three months and your breasts will settle into their permanent shape and size.

Since these are not silicone breast implants, your breasts are still subject to your body’s natural processes, such as weight gain and aging. Your breasts will grow if you gain weight and they will shrink if you lose pounds. Aging affects the elasticity of your breasts’ surrounding skin, so they will sag too as you get older. In this case, you may want to consider a breast lift procedure when this happens.

Sculpt Your Way Into a Firmer, Non Surgical Body at NJ Center for CoolSculpting

At NJ Center for CoolSculpting, you can get the body you’ve always dreamed of without having to resort to major surgery. You can get the breasts you envision without traditional breast implants. Their team of board-certified doctors, certified aestheticians, and licensed physician assistants will take care of your body contouring needs in a serene and luxurious setting. 

The center’s body contouring procedures and non surgical treatments are not just for breast enlargement but also for breast reduction. Call NJ Center for CoolSculpting now and schedule your appointment with our specialists.

Freeze Away Your Stubborn Fat Like Never Before

Up to 25% Fat Reduction With CoolSculpting: Treat Yourself Today!


A lot of women are frustrated with their underarm breast tissue (also known as bra fat) and it’s understandable. The bulge in the bra area tends to respond poorly to diet and exercise, unlike other areas of the body. Non-invasive cosmetic treatments such as CoolSculpting is now becoming a favored treatment for reducing bra fat and removing the unsightly bulges straining from the elastic.

So can CoolSculpting reduce underarm breast tissue? CoolSculpting can certainly make bra bulge and armpit fat a thing of the past with its ability to address fat pockets that stubbornly cling to the body despite your best efforts in diet and exercise. As long as you’re the ideal candidate for the procedure, there’s no reason why CoolSculpting shouldn’t work for you when it comes to banishing bra fat.

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Up to 25% Fat Reduction With CoolSculpting: Treat Yourself Today!

Causes of Bra Fat and Back Fat

There are several factors that contribute to the formation of axillary breast tissue, also known as underarm breast tissue or fat deposits on the armpit. The usual culprits are poor diet, lack of exercise, and aging. The first two will definitely make you gain weight in any part of the body, while aging makes the skin sag naturally, hence the drooping of certain areas such as the back and armpits. 

Other factors, such as hormonal changes or having too much cortisol in the body, poor sleep quality, and metabolic conditions such as insulin resistance and hypothyroidism, also contribute greatly to your having bra and back fat.

Can CoolSculpting Treat Front Bra Bulge and Armpit Fat?

Woman in yellow top bra with big natural breasts on blue background

CoolSculpting can definitely treat armpit fat and front bra bulge as long as you’re an ideal candidate for the procedure. Doctors will recommend that you’re at least 10 to 25 pounds above your ideal weight and can keep obesity in check. CoolSculpting uses a suction applicator and if you have too much fat, the applicator may not be able to suck the flesh properly. 

You can’t be too thin as well, because the applicator needs something to cling onto. If you’re above the recommended weight range, you will be advised to lose excess weight first before coming back for the procedure.

There are cases that the excess tissue is not fatty deposits but lipoma. This should be examined by the doctor first before giving the go-ahead for the CoolSculpting procedure.

How CoolSculpting for Bra Fat Works

CoolSculpting, also known as Cryolipolysis, freezes fat cells and makes them go into the cell death phase called apoptosis. The frozen fat cells get destroyed and flushed out of your body naturally through your lymphatic system. To prepare for treatment, your doctor will mark the target areas and your skin will be given a pre-treatment wipe for cleansing. A gel pad will be placed on the treatment area as a safety barrier for your skin. 

Your doctor will then place the suction applicator on the market areas to start the freezing procedure. The suction will target the stubborn fat deposits in your problem area. The procedure will go on for around 35 to 45 minutes, depending on the size of the applicator used. During the treatment, you are advised to sit still – you can actually watch a movie or listen to something using your headphones. 

You will feel some discomfort because of the cooling sensation, which is like putting an ice pack on your skin. The area will numb eventually after several minutes. After the suction tool is removed, your doctor will massage the area manually. Some patients find this stage a bit painful since it’s like rubbing on top of a bruise. But this is needed for the fat cell to disperse and shouldn’t last more than five minutes.

Areas Around the Armpit That Can Be Treated With CoolSculpting

Shot of a beautiful young woman smelling her armpits

When handled by an experienced professional, there’s a lot that a CoolSculpting tool can accomplish. It can treat various areas in the armpit area such as the portion at the front side of the arm, the area directly under the armpits, and the area along the bra line, both above and below where the bra sits. 

An expert provider can target the drooping upper arm (also called bat wings), the area at the top of the bra line and along the armpit, or the area directly under the bra line. Your doctor can also target the spot at the front line of your body, the part that pokes out in your sports bra. The treatment plan will depend on your desired goal and your budget.

CoolSculpting for Male Breast Reduction

CoolSculpting is also a safe and effective treatment for male breast reduction, which is a great alternative to breast reduction surgery. It helps males born with a condition called gynecomastia, which is a condition of over-development or enlargement of the breast tissue in men or boys. CoolSculpting can remove the excess breast tissue without having to resort to liposuction procedure or male breast reduction surgery.

Freeze Away Your Stubborn Fat Like Never Before

Up to 25% Fat Reduction With CoolSculpting: Treat Yourself Today!

Recovery After CoolSculpting the Underarm Breast Tissue

Because it’s a non-invasive procedure, CoolSculpting comes with minimal recovery time. You can resume your usual activities after your session. Some side effects are normal and to be expected, such as light bruising or aching in the treated area. This should disappear after a couple of weeks. You can feel the slight pain or discomfort during or after the procedure.

The results of your CoolSculpting treatment is a gradual process, so don’t expect to see anything dramatic right away. Your body will be going through the process of flushing out the destroyed fat cells naturally and then you will begin to see the changes. Your doctor will ask you to come back after six to eight weeks to check your progress. If he recommends a second round of treatment, you can also have it during this time as well. 

The full results will slowly reveal over the course of three to four months, after which your doctor will schedule a final appointment to have your photos taken and compare the before and after results.

How Many Sessions Required For CoolSculpting Underarm Breast Tissue

Treating bra fat, which is part of your back, may require multiple treatment sessions to get the most dramatic results. Luckily, you don’t need to deal with anesthesia or a lengthy recovery period. If a large applicator was used in your procedure, you may only need a single session to get the job done. 

Remember too that although upper back fat is generally a concern for women as it creates an unattractive bra bulge, men can have similar issues with it as well. It shouldn’t be a problem since CoolSculpting works for both men and women.

Your doctor or plastic surgeon may also recommend more than one session, so the complete results of your CoolSculpting treatment can come much later.

Costs of CoolSculpting Underarm Breast Tissue

Woman working at a spa talking on the phone and making a booking

The cost of treatment is one of the major factors in a patient’s decision to go ahead with the procedure. Generally, CoolSculpting is priced by the cycle, which is a unit of measurement that describes the application of a CoolSculpting applicator to the body. This will depend on the area you plan to get treated and how many sessions you will need. 

To give you a general idea, there can be a set pricing each for armpit fat, upper arm, above the bra line, and below the bra line. This should be discussed in depth with your doctor during the consultation.

Risk of Damaging Lymph Nodes in the Armpit Area With CoolSculpting

This is an understandable concern since the underarm area is sensitive. Some patients may need to have medical clearance before any procedures can be done near the underarms and especially near the breast tissue. As long as your doctor gives you a clearance, you don’t have anything to worry about. 

As for the risk of damaging the lymph nodes, the applicator itself will not be positioned too close to the armpit too – your doctor will know where exactly to place the applicator to keep the procedure safe. He can have the upper arms and bra fat treated without getting the applicator too close to the armpit.

Are the Results of CoolSculpting Permanent?

CoolSculpting removes the fat cells completely, so in your case, the underarm lift or arm lift effect should be for long-term. However, it’s tricky to say that the CoolSculpting results are permanent. Although the cosmetic procedure can eliminate the excess fat, it can’t stop any fat gain that you will have in the future. 

This is why your doctor will constantly remind you about the importance of maintaining your weight after getting the fat reduction treatment. You will still get fat if you don’t stick to a healthy diet or exercise regularly. However, if you do gain too much weight, the fatty tissue will get distributed evenly across your body because you will never have as many fat cells in the areas you got treatment for.

Get Rid of Unsightly Bulges at NJ Center for CoolSculpting

You don’t have to remain uncomfortable with underarm fat or bra fat ever again because NJ Center for CoolSculpting can sculpt the fat out of your system. You get the safest and most effective treatments to reduce stubborn, unwanted fat and excess skin from your body in the hands of board-certified doctors, certified aestheticians, and licensed physician assistants.

The center's team of experts can easily address issues in common problem areas such as double chin, excess fat in inner thigh and outer thigh, loose skin, and many more, without having to use plastic surgery or invasive procedures such as vaser liposuction, liposuction surgery and tummy tuck. With their fat removal and body contouring techniques, you don't have to worry about any kind of incision and general anesthesia. Call now and schedule an appointment with one of the center's top specialists.

Freeze Away Your Stubborn Fat Like Never Before

Up to 25% Fat Reduction With CoolSculpting: Treat Yourself Today!


Breast lift, also called mastopexy, continues to be one of the most in-demand cosmetic treatments among women. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, surgical breast lifts have gone up to an estimated 70 percent since 2000. Now if you’re planning to go through a breast lift procedure or already scheduled to have one, you may be considering getting other procedures done beforehand, perhaps a body contouring treatment such as CoolSculpting. 

So is it safe to have CoolSculpting before breast lift? Doctors do not consider this a problem, as long as you’re not going to have CoolSculpting done in areas near your breasts. You may want to hold off to that bra fat removal or fat cell within the upper abdomen region. It’s better to stay on the safe side since CoolSculpting can lead to some swelling and inflammation post-treatment, which is something you don’t want to have right before your breast lift procedure.

Freeze Away Your Stubborn Fat Like Never Before

Up to 25% Fat Reduction With CoolSculpting: Treat Yourself Today!

Why People Get Breast Lifts

Mastopexy is a surgical procedure performed to change the shape of your breasts. This involves the removal of excess skin and reshaping of the breast tissue in order to raise the breasts. The procedure is recommended for those who have saggy breasts or have nipples that point downward. It won’t significantly change the size of your breasts but the lift can make them look bigger. 

If you wish to have physically bigger ones, you can get a breast augmentation done along with your breast lift. You can also have breast reduction along with the lift if you wish to have smaller breasts.

There are several factors that contribute to the change in breast shape. Age is a major one. As you get older, your breasts lose their firmness and elasticity. Pregnancy also heavily affects breast shape as they tend to sag after getting stretched pre-birth. Weight fluctuations can also cause the skin of your breasts to stretch and become less elastic.

A breast lift can reduce the sagging and elevates the position of your nipples and the areola, the darker area surrounding the nipples. The cosmetic procedure can also reduce the size of your areola to keep them in proportion to the size of your newly shaped breasts.

Getting CoolSculpting Procedure Before Breast Lift

Cheerful beautiful plus size women at the beach

In order to understand why it’s better to postpone getting a CoolSculpting treatment before your breast lift, you have to know the preparations needed to prepare the breasts before surgery. It involves getting mammograms, maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding certain medications, and getting your body well-rested before going under the knife.

CoolSculpting, also called Cryolipolysis, works by freezing fat cells in order to break them down and get them flushed out of your body naturally through your lymphatic system. It mainly targets the subcutaneous fat. This involves the use of an applicator, which will suck in the pinchable fat in your treated area. 

The CoolSculpting device will freeze those targeted fat cells for around 30-45 minutes, depending on the size of the treatment area and the size of the applicator used. After the fat freezing, your doctor will massage the area to encourage the dispersal of the destroyed or treated fat cells.

You can go back to your normal routine right after your session since CoolSculpting requires little to no downtime. However, the results will unfold gradually within a few weeks. During this time, you will experience some side effects, which will wear off after several days.

Getting a CoolSculpting session will certainly affect your treatment areas and have a physical reaction to the procedure, such as swelling, bruising, and inflammation. This is why it’s not advisable to go for a body contouring in areas near the breast. You want this part of your body in its normal state before you undergo your breast lift procedure.

Where Is It Safe to Get CoolSculpting Before Breast Lift

It’s perfectly safe to get body contouring done and eliminate excess fat or unwanted fat cells in parts of your body away from the breast area. This is something you should consult with your doctor or plastic surgeon since he can guarantee what is safe or not. He may advise you to wait for sometime after your breast lift before getting CoolSculpting done in the bra fat or upper abdomen region. 

Getting CoolSculpting in these areas may not be a good idea since there will be expected physical effects such as swelling and inflammation, as well as delayed onset neuropathic pain that can’t be dealt with by traditional painkillers.

Keep in mind that the body needs time to repair and flush out the dead fat cells, so it would be best to heal after breast augmentation first before getting CoolSculpting in its nearby regions. As for getting CoolSculpting for the chin and neck, lower abdomen, thighs, and butt, it’s perfectly okay, but do get your doctor’s approval to keep things safe.

Your doctor will also make an assessment if you are a good candidate for CoolSculpting treatment. This is usually recommended for people who are within 10 to 25 pounds away from their ideal weight. This should give you enough unwanted fat or fat bulge to fit into the applicator. 

Those who weigh more than the recommended range will be advised to lose a few more pounds before they can be approved for the procedure. CoolSculpting is a fat reduction treatment for noticeable bulges and not designed for weight loss.

Finding the Right CoolSculpting Professional

Portrait of a happy woman working at a spa

In order to get the best CoolSculpting results, you should consult with a licensed medical professional such as a board certified plastic surgeon who already has lots of experience with the treatment. Technically, anyone can operate the CoolSculpting machine and CoolSculpting applicator, but only a licensed doctor or plastic surgeon can guarantee the best areas for targeting and what to do in rare cases of emergency during the procedure. 

You may discover that a fully experienced CoolSculpting professional may charge a bit more than the others, but it’s worth paying more if it means getting the safest and most effective CoolSculpting technology and treatment possible for eliminating your stubborn fat deposits.

Get the Safest and Most Effective CoolSculpting Treatment at NJ Center for CoolSculpting

The team at NJ Center for CoolSculpting performs hundreds of body contouring sessions each month in their peaceful and luxurious facility. As a patient, your safety is guaranteed because you get board-certified doctors, certified aestheticians, and licensed physician assistants to attend to your CoolSculpting needs. 

The facility's experts can treat common problem areas such as excess fat tissue in the upper arm, inner thigh, outer thighs, double chin, and many more without having to go through traditional plastic surgery or cosmetic surgery procedures such as tummy tuck and liposuction. Call NJ Center for CoolSculpting now and arrange for an appointment with one of their top specialists.

Freeze Away Your Stubborn Fat Like Never Before

Up to 25% Fat Reduction With CoolSculpting: Treat Yourself Today!


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*Claim 50% off 8 Cycles , 32% off 6 cycles, 25% off 4. Value $800/cycle.

What Our Clients Say About Us

  • "The treatment itself was not uncomfortable. Afterwords, I felt great. I didn't really notice anything for about 30 days. After day 30 until about a month later, I started noticing that my favorite jeans were not as tight anymore. I wasn't having to suck in to get them buttoned. And by that two month period after my CoolSculpting

    Lesley Hamilton

    Age 41

  • "It's subtle at first, and then a month later you look and go, "Wow - It really did something!" It really moved the bar for me, and I'm feeling better about myself already. It feels so good to put on anything and know I look as good as I've ever looked. And I didn't say that or feel that when I was in my 20's, 30's, and 40's."

    Anne McMarthy

    Age 56

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