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How Does CoolSculpting Work for Double Chin?

Double chin fat can be extremely frustrating to get rid of. No matter how much diet and exercise, there’s still some unwanted fat underneath the chin that makes people self-conscious about their appearance. But instead of trying plastic surgery for the submental area, you might want to try CoolSculpting chin treatments first.

So how does CoolSculpting for double chin work? CoolSculpting Mini is a minimally invasive fat reduction treatment that reduces submental fullness by freezing the stubborn fat cells in the treatment area. Most patients experience significant double chin reduction after multiple treatments spanning over a few weeks.

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Eliminating Submental Fat With CoolSculpting

Having a sharp chin and jawline is a beauty standard that many people hope to have. According to a survey by Allergan, about 49% of the respondents believe that the fat deposit in their submental area negatively impacts their overall appearance.

The good news is that there are lots of treatment options for people who want to get rid of chin and neck fat – such as liposuction, Kybella, and other body contouring treatments. Chin CoolSculpting is another effective cosmetic procedure that eliminates excess fat around the chin area without the need for surgery.

But before trying this fat removal procedure, patients must understand how exactly the treatment works for them first – allowing them to make the best decision for their bodies.

1) How Does CoolSculpting for Double Chin Work?

One interesting fact about the body is that it almost never destroys or creates new fat cells – which is why it’s difficult to get rid of unwanted fat pockets in the belly and thighs. Instead of eliminating or creating them, the body only expands or contracts the existing fat cells when people gain or lose weight. 

CoolSculpting chin fat (or CoolMini treatment) uses cryolipolysis to take advantage of this fact and freeze the unwanted fat cells in the treatment area. Fat cells freeze at a higher temperature than the other tissues in the chin area, so it’s easier to alter their structure without harming the muscles or skin near them. As the fat cells get damaged, they lose the ability to maintain and gain fat – causing them to die and get flushed out of the body.

2) What Happens During the Procedure?

Since CoolSculpting chin treatment is a minimally invasive procedure, patients don’t require much preparation before their appointment. But during the consultation with the provider, make sure to listen to their reminders to avoid complications during and after the CoolSculpting treatment.

During the procedure, the provider uses a specially designed CoolMini applicator to pull the unwanted chin fat into the cooling cup. This CoolSculpting applicator is about 3 inches wide to fit right into the patient’s chin and achieve full coverage in the treatment area.

Once the CoolMini device is properly positioned, the doctor turns on the applicator to cool the treatment areas and freeze the fat cells. The entire treatment only takes less than an hour. Most patients agree that the CoolSculpting procedure is only slightly uncomfortable because the treatment areas eventually become numb as the skin cools.

3) How Effective is the Treatment?

The manufacturer of CoolSculpting claims that the treatment is safe and effective in eliminating between 20% to 80% of the fat cells in the treated area. But like any cosmetic procedure, the effectiveness of the treatment is different for everyone because of different factors.

In a 2016 study funded by the CoolSculpting manufacturer, about 77% of the participants reported a visible fat reduction in their treatment areas including the chin, thighs, abdomen, and flanks. On the other hand, a 2014 study that wasn’t sponsored by the CoolSculpting manufacturer showed that about 86% of the participants agreed that cryolipolysis was effective for them.

4) What Results Can I Achieve?

Most patients require multiple treatment sessions to achieve their desired CoolSculpting results. It takes a few weeks after the treatment session to see the initial results because the body takes some time to flush out the dead fat cells in the treated area.

The eliminated fat cells won’t return to the treatment areas. However, new fat cells may still develop there, so patients are advised to live a healthy lifestyle and avoid extreme weight fluctuations.

Some experts also recommend CoolSculpting Elite for their patients. This procedure is similar to the usual CoolSculpting treatments but leads to better results. It uses an applicator that covers up to 18% more surface area, bringing about quicker results in fewer treatments.

5) Are There Risks and Side Effects to Expect?

CoolSculpting double chin treatments are mostly safe, as long as they’re performed by experienced dermatologists or providers. Serious complications are extremely rare, but the patient should still be aware of the risks that come with it including:

  • Pain in the treated area
  • Temporary irritation
  • Temporary skin discoloration
  • Skin sensitivity
  • Bruising
  • Swelling

These symptoms are common but mild, so they’re not a cause for concern. They usually disappear on their own after a few days, but make sure to contact a doctor immediately if they worsen or persist.

Paradoxical adipose hyperplasia (PAH) is an extremely rare complication of CoolSculpting treatment wherein a hard lump of fat develops in the treated area instead of going away. It occurs in about 0.0051% of the treated patients, but there isn’t a unifying risk factor among the recorded cases.

This serious complication isn’t life-threatening, but it requires a surgical procedure to get rid of the hardened fat. Patients also have to wait a few months after the development of PAH before getting liposuction to reduce the chance of PAH recurrence.

CoolSculpting vs. Other Double Chin Treatments

The CoolSculpting procedure is only one of the many treatment options for eliminating submental fat. Here are some of the other double chin treatments and how they compare to CoolSculpting for chin:

1) Double Chin Exercises

Chin exercises strengthen and tone the muscles and skin in the submental area. Some of the most common exercises to reshape the chin are straight jaw jut, ball exercise, pucker up, tongue stretch, bottom jaw jut, and neck stretch. There isn’t enough evidence that suggests the effectiveness of double chin exercises in eliminating submental fat. But even if there is, it still takes several months of consistent effort for patients to achieve their desired results.

2) Laser Treatments

Laser treatment for chin fat is similar to CoolSculpting. But instead of using extremely cold temperatures, this procedure uses heat to kill the fat cells. However, laser treatments involve creating an incision in the chin area where the laser device is inserted. CoolSculpting doesn’t require incisions, so it’s the better option for patients who want to minimize their risk of scarring.

3) Kybella

Kybella injections contain deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring product that breaks down dietary fat. When injected into the treatment areas on the chin, Kybella kills the fat cells by destroying their cell membrane. However, Kybella carries the risk of worsening the lax tissue in the chin. This makes CoolSculpting the better option for patients who also want to correct their skin laxity.

4) Liposuction

Liposuction is a popular body sculpting procedure that involves dislodging and suctioning the fat cells in the treatment area using a cannula. But since it’s a surgical procedure, many patients are wary of the risks and long recovery periods that come with it. CoolSculpting is a much safer alternative that doesn’t involve long downtime or scarring.

Reshape Your Chin Today at NJ Center for CoolSculpting

Submental fullness is a common issue for many people. Although it’s usually associated with weight gain, this cosmetic concern is actually a result of many factors like lifestyle, genetics, and more. If you’re also concerned about the appearance of a double chin, then talk to our experts today about treatments.

Double chin is one of the many CoolSculpting treatment areas often requested here at NJ Center for CoolSculpting. Thanks to years of experience in the industry, you can trust our providers to deliver the best CoolSculpting result for you with every visit. Call us now for an appointment.

Freeze Away Your Stubborn Fat Like Never Before

Up to 25% Fat Reduction With CoolSculpting: Treat Yourself Today!


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What Our Clients Say About Us

  • "The treatment itself was not uncomfortable. Afterwords, I felt great. I didn't really notice anything for about 30 days. After day 30 until about a month later, I started noticing that my favorite jeans were not as tight anymore. I wasn't having to suck in to get them buttoned. And by that two month period after my CoolSculpting

    Lesley Hamilton

    Age 41

  • "It's subtle at first, and then a month later you look and go, "Wow - It really did something!" It really moved the bar for me, and I'm feeling better about myself already. It feels so good to put on anything and know I look as good as I've ever looked. And I didn't say that or feel that when I was in my 20's, 30's, and 40's."

    Anne McMarthy

    Age 56

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